The Stream Stacker Project

The images below are a few samples from 2. December 2024:
When there is an interesting picture - we can have a look at the video. (in this case a meteor)

Every night Stacked Images are automatically created and copied to this folder:

Open the folder to access the ReadMe and Data Annotations.

YouTube Live 

Both cameras on YouTube Live are recorded and stored in 15 minutes segments.

Each segment is then made into a stacked image.
These images are then copied to the Google Disk folder: 

PUBLIC Drive > ProjectHessdalenData > BlueBox > cameras

You can donate

To help us get more local storage space
for the videos and images created. 

You can help

If you know how to automate
image processing.

We need an automated process to:

remove recordings of no interest
identify recordings of interest
and more!