Hessdalen, 2025
Plan for the Field Trip Week
We will arrange a Field Trip Week in 2025
to do a collective effort and set up equipment all over the valley.
We want to dedicate an entire week to field observations.
Fred Pallesen - CEO of Project Hessdalen
We are in the planning mode!
Do Sign up to get information when we have meetings or new information to share about our plans for the Field Trip
We need your help to plan this!
Do you have any instruments we could deploy in the valley.
Can you help us get equipment or funding to buy more cameras, sensors and computers?
Do you want to help in organizing this event?
Lets start planning the Field Trip Week for this year
We are inviting to the first a PUBLIC brainstorming about what we should do during the field trip week in September this year. We have some ideas and some experience from last year, but let's have a discussion. What would you like us to focus on?
February 5th, 20:00 CET
The meeting is open for all to join.
Meeting minutes:
The Field Trip Week 2025 will be
from August 30 (Saturday) until September 7 (Sunday).
This year, people must take responsibility for their own transportation to and from their accommodation and to the mountain hikes they choose to go on.
Unless you are volunteering for a specific task that requires your presence all week, people are welcome to come for just a weekend or a few days.
We will coordinate where and when we meet and where the different groups go and what they do - on discord
We are planning for cameras that can record a 360 view time lapse for 5 days (one image every three seconds) in a number of locations.
See "5 days time lapse" below for details.
We are planning for trail cameras / wildlife cameras along the river.
See "wildlife cameras" below for details.
We hope to test some Scientific Cameras ...
We should try to set up some Mupas systems in some cabin or houses (where there is power and internet)
See "Mupas systems" below for details.
We should try create a Mobile Mupas systems to be place out in the wild (with power from solar panels and batteries and a mobile internet connection)
See "Mobile Mupas systems" below for details.
Internal planning for Field Trip Week
We will get the team together a week after the first planning meeting and consider what resources we have and what we can do. Still a long time to go - but we want to plan how and who that we can develop the equipments we want to deploy.
February 12th, 20:00 CET
The meeting is for the team only
Meeting minutes:
We should prioritize equipment that could operate all year, not only during the Field Trip Week - because a lot of the work will be to create a weather proof casing with a power station (solar + battery) and internet connection.
Why not just set this as a goal.
Then we had a number of stations: rooftop / backpack / mountaintop - that we hope to build and test - before we get to the valley (at home) and then stress-test during the field trip.
This will be presented during the next Monthly Status Meeting ...
Status Meeting where Field Trip Week will be discussed
You may join our Monthly Status Meeting to find out what the next step will be
and more.
February 19th, 20:00 CET
The meeting is open for all to join.
Goal: 5 days time lapse
These are the locations we would like to put out cameras that can record for at least 5 days - during the Field Trip:
We know that some of these locations are within the Forollhogna national park - and we need to get permission to put out the equipment. We'll find out!
About 45 minutes walk from the monument.Skarvan
About 30 minutes walk from ØyungenKåshøgda
About 30 minutes walk from YstengsbekkenMountaintop overlooking Forddalen
Maybe 1 hour walk and 1 1/2 hour driveMountaintop overlooking Ledalen
Maybe 3 hour walk and 1 hour driveIt was suggested to add one more location, in the middle - to cover all!
Next: we need to know what kind of equipment we need and who can carry it out, and get it back, when the Field Trip is near the end.
EcoFlow solar panel 110 W, IP67
3.290 NOK
We need to buy this near Hessdalen:
batteries can not be on an airplane!
We can buy this from
Clas Ohlson
in Trondheim
A IP67-rated solar panel can withstand rain, wind, and some snow on a mountain top.
This solar panel can withstands temperatures between -20 and 85 °C.
The solar panel produces 110W when sunny.
If the sun is available 10% of the time (2.4 hours per day),
the total energy generated per day is: 264Wh per day
Technical facts:
Dimensions folded: 514 x 420 x 24 mm.
Dimensions unfolded: 514 x 1580 x 24 mm.
Weight: 4 kg.
Power: 110 W.
EcoFlow River 3
3.190 NOK
We need to buy this near Hessdalen:
batteries can not be on an airplane!
We can buy this from
Clas Ohlson
in Trondheim
EcoFlow River 3
Robust and durable with IP54 – withstands harsh conditions, water and dust.
Technical facts:
Capacity: 245 Wh (19.2 V)
Charging methods: 230 V socket, 12 V car adapter, solar panel (up to 110 W)
Built-in solar controller
Dimensions: 255 x 212 x 113 mm
Weight: 3.5 kg
1 x AC (wall socket)
1 x USB-C (100W)
2 x USB-A
1 x 12V car charger (12.6V, 10A)
Goal: wildlife cameras
Goal: Mupas systems
Make or buy?
Can we use MUPAS?
Is the best way to get data to just find a system and deploy it - everywhere?
We do not have to create this!
With sensors for:
Microwave signals ranging from 700 MHz to 6 GHz
Gamma ray signals ranging from 0.05uSv/h to 10mSv/h at 0.01cpm to 300Kcpm (sensor available separately)
3-Axis MEMS Accelerometer +/-2g
3-Axis MEMS Magnetometer XYZ +/-1200 µT
3-Axis Gyroscope +/-250◦/S
Gravity vector sensor
Acoustic energy sensor 60dB gain
Humidity sensor +/- 3% accuracy
Barometric pressure sensor +/- 1 hPa accuracy
Temperature sensor +/- 1◦C accuracy
MOX sensor for hydrocarbon gas detection
GPS sensor -165 dBm sensitivity
Microwave Spectral Sensor (available separately)
MUPAS even have an online portal and a notification system.
Goal: Mobile Mupas systems
How to get
Sensors all over the valley
Hidden in a "rock".
Is it possible to put sensors in a "rock" with solar panel - to work all year? (or close to)
How can we create this?
What sensors do we need:
(what more?)
We would need help to
make this system
store the data
analyze the data
make an alert system
We could make this kind of "rock" ourselves, by using some boxes, chicken wire, concrete and creativity!