Hessdalen, 2025
Plan for the Field Trip Week
We will arrange a Field Trip Week in 2025
to do a collective effort and set up equipment all over the valley.
We want to dedicate an entire week to field observations.
Fred Pallesen - CEO of Project Hessdalen
- it is just a request to be updated about our plans for the event in 2025.
We need your help to plan this!
Do you have any instruments we could deploy in the valley.
Can you help us get equipment or funding to buy more cameras, sensors and computers?
Do you want to help in organizing this event?
Goal: more sensors
During the Field Trip Week we would like to install some monitoring equipment throughout the valley - but what do we need?
Help us choose. Help us to build and test the systems. Join during the FTW to assemble and install the equipment.
How to get
Sensors all over the valley
Hidden in a "rock".
Is it possible to put sensors in a "rock" with solar panel - to work all year? (or close to)
How can we create this?
What sensors do we need:
(what more?)
We would need help to
make this system
store the data
analyze the data
make an alert system
We could make this kind of "rock" ourselves, by using some boxes, chicken wire, concrete and creativity!
Make or buy?
Can we use MUPAS?
Can they be hidden in a "rock"?
Is the best way to get data to just find a system and deploy it - everywhere?
We do not have to create this!
With sensors for:
Microwave signals ranging from 700 MHz to 6 GHz
Gamma ray signals ranging from 0.05uSv/h to 10mSv/h at 0.01cpm to 300Kcpm (sensor available separately)
3-Axis MEMS Accelerometer +/-2g
3-Axis MEMS Magnetometer XYZ +/-1200 µT
3-Axis Gyroscope +/-250◦/S
Gravity vector sensor
Acoustic energy sensor 60dB gain
Humidity sensor +/- 3% accuracy
Barometric pressure sensor +/- 1 hPa accuracy
Temperature sensor +/- 1◦C accuracy
MOX sensor for hydrocarbon gas detection
GPS sensor -165 dBm sensitivity
Microwave Spectral Sensor (available separately)
MUPAS even have an online portal and a notification system.
But can it only be used indoors?
Can we plug it to a mobile WiFi router, a battery and a solar panel - and put it in a "rock"?
Goal: more cameras
It is a goal to get more than one BlueBox with cameras on YouTube Live, with recording and creating stacked images - BUT!
This does require a lot of money and time to do. Can we deploy some simpler camera-systems? At least for the Field Trip Week?
Is it possible to just set up some 360 degree camera - and record to a memory card - and place these on different location for the FTW?
How long could the recording be? days? weeks?
How long could the system work on a battery?
What other alternatives exist - for simple camera recording?