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Project Hessdalen's 14. gjestebok

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Project Hessdalen - Guestbook old 14.
From 25.06.2003 to 31.12.2003

Date: Tue Dec 30 09:30:41 CET 2003
Name: Espen () at

Subject: Godt nytt�r

Godt nytt�r alle dere gale mennesker som gidder og kj�re i timesvis for og se p� "lyset" i Hessdalen.Det gjelder spesielt Kristian,Roy,Arno og meg selv.N� drar vi vel snart oppover igjen og da skal jeg ha med min egen Hang-glider.Da kan det hende jeg f�r kontakt med de utenomjordiske.

Date: Mon Dec 29 20:42:44 CET 2003
Name: donald () at

Subject: Hang-glider

N� har jeg et enda bedre forslag.Hvis Erling Strand kj�per seg en hang-glider kan han bare sveve rundt over dalen med et kamera montert p� hjelmen.Med en gang han f�r �ye p� fenomenet kan han bare glide rett imot det.Da er vi garantert n�rbilder av fenomenet.

Date: Mon Dec 29 20:36:25 CET 2003
Name: Donald () at

Subject: Brevduer

B� har jeg det.Hvorfor kan ikke Erling Strand trene opp noen Brevduer som kan fly rundt i dalen med kamera.P� den m�ten vil kamera komme mye n�rmere lysfenomenene.

Date: Tue Dec 23 17:58:10 CET 2003
Name: Donald () at

Subject: Mast

300-400 meter h�y mast?!!!Hallo ,koko.

Date: Sat Dec 20 16:44:30 CET 2003
Name: Hanne Voldseth Haugrud ([email protected]) at

Subject: interessert?

er det noen som har lyst til og skrive med meg? (p� internett) Mersom en internett-brevvenn? Husk! det M� v�re en som er interessert i hessdalen-fenomenet. SKRIV SNART NOE I HVERTFALL! Takk. Dette er en superduper side...

Date: Sat Dec 20 16:37:55 CET 2003
Name: Hanne Voldseth Haugrud ([email protected]) at

Subject: Hessdalen-fenomet

Dette er veldig spennende, og jeg har gjerne lyst til og komme til hessdalen en dag. Disse lysene som dere har filmet og tatt bilder av, er helt fantastiske. Jeg bor ikke s� langt unna Hessdalen, s� det er vel en sjanse for at jeg bes�ker dere en dag. Jeg er 10 �r, men likevel interessert i hessdalen-fenomenet. Det var bare det jeg ville si.

Date: Wed Dec 10 17:19:44 CET 2003
Name: Tips ! () at


Hva med et Nightshot kamera som tar opp i m�rket eller kanskje et ultrafiolett kamera som registrerer varme forskjeller slik at lys/ting som gir fra seg mere varme blir automatisk fotografert/filmet ?

Date: Wed Dec 10 16:23:09 CET 2003
Name: En som har peiling () at

Subject: Bygge ei h�y mast....

Hvorfor ikke sette opp ei 300 - 400 meter h�y mast der lyset tidligere er oppservert, slik at man kan komme n�rmere... Man m� nok tettere innp� "lyset" f�r man kan trekke slutninger, eller...?

Date: Wed Dec 10 09:31:04 CET 2003
Name: Erling P. Strand ([email protected]) at

Subject: Kommentar til Torbj�rn

Det automatiske video opptaket fra 4.Desember 1999 er slik at opptageren tok opp i ca.12 sekunder. Deretter sl�r den seg av automatisk. (Desverre virket ikke programmet slik det skulle ha gjort, nemlig ta opp s� lenge fenomenet var der.

Det som imidlertid er mest interessant p� filmen er det sm� lyset som plutselig ses under det store, og g�r inn i det store. Det skjer der sekundviseren er p� 38. Det andre interessange er at formen kan se ut til � forandre seg, og helt p� slutten ser det ut som om det er lysstr�ler(?) over og under.

Date: Tue Dec 9 21:54:44 CET 2003
Name: Isac () at

Subject: Newton

S� deg p� tv Erling! Men n� er det lenge sia det har v�rt noen oppdateringer p� sia di!

Date: Tue Dec 9 16:32:13 CET 2003
Name: Ilona ([email protected]) at

Subject: Hamar-fenomenet!

ja, jeg har sett dette lyset p� hamar! har v�rt kjempe nysgjerrig p� hva jeg har sett... ta gjerne kontakt hvis dere vil vite noe mere.. for det vil jeg!

Date: Sun Dec 7 22:05:38 CET 2003
Name: Torbj�rn Jacobsen () at

Subject: Film

Jeg sitter og ser p� filmen som er tatt opp 4. desember 1999. Den med det flygende objektet som kommer sigende inn fra siden. F�rste gang jeg s� den synes jeg den var meget interessant s�rlig n�r objektet plutselig forsvinner. Men n�r jeg kikket n�rmere p� den ser jeg p� klokken nederst p� skj�rmen at noe er klippet bort. Jeg pr�vde � laste ned de st�rre utgavene men de var likedan. Dette var meget skuffende, og jeg h�per dette kan bli utbedret. Ellers syntes jeg det dere holder p� med er meget interessant.

Date: Sun Dec 7 21:47:59 CET 2003
Name: mona dr�ivollsmo ([email protected]) at

Subject: spennede!

vil takke for intressante sider. mye spennende � lese her... fortsett med dette arbeidet! h�per p� � f� klarhet en gang i framtiden om hva dette hessdalsfenomenet er for noe.

Date: Mon Dec 1 16:27:07 CET 2003
Name: Ragnhild Torvaldsdottir ([email protected]) at

Subject: Ufo?

Hei! Jeg s� noe veldig underlig sammen med min dav�rende nabo i 1990 el. 1991(husker ikke helt). Det var vinter og vi var ute i hagen og hoppet p� ski. Dette skjedde p� M�re i Steinkjer kommune. Da vi begge hadde kommet oss opp og gjort oss klar for � kj�rre utfor kom det et stort rundt lys p� himmelen- rett forran oss; som en lysende kule. Det var ingen lyd, som tidligere nevnt av andre her p� siden. S� etter noen minutter var det akkurat som om den eksploderte og det kom ut av midten store blomster; Begynte som sm� innerst og ble st�rre og st�rre etterhvert. Det kom mange etter hverandre og i alle farger; rosa, lilla, bl�, gul, gr�nn osv.( og som sagt ingen lyd). Jeg sprang inn for � hente fotoapparatet og si fra til foreldrene. Husker ikke om jeg ikke fant apparatet eller om jeg tok bilde, men jeg har ihvertfall ingen dokumentasjon p� det. Hele " Forestillingen" varte ganske lenge, mellom fem og ti minutter. Og jeg husker jeg ble s� bettatt av det, det var kjempefint � se p�!! Jeg har lurt veldig lenge p� hva dette kunne v�rt! H�per noen kanskje kan gi meg et svar?

Date: Mon Nov 24 23:53:25 CET 2003
Name: Jim Hughey ([email protected]) at


As an external auditor who has recently

Date: Tue Nov 18 11:19:52 CET 2003
Name: Anneli ([email protected]) at

Subject: ufoer i grimstad

hei ser p� nett siden deres av bilder dere har tatt. jeg har og sett ufo(trorjeg) det lignet vertfall no helt vilt og det lagde ikngen lyd. jeg tok flere bilder men da vi skulle frem kalle filmen var det kun de bildene av ufoen som manglet, vi fikk aldri sett disse bildene, men lysfenomenet eller ufoen har vist seg flere ganger i grimstad omr�de rundt Homborsund. det beveger seg verken som helekopter eller fly, det bare flyter p� en m�te over himmelen og ligner en lysende tallerken. kan dette forklares???

Date: Mon Nov 17 19:56:13 CET 2003
Name: Pier ([email protected]) at

Subject: From Italy

Hello, i hear about you in the tv Programm Voyager, but i don't understand if you can see the exactly position where there was the light. Thank you

Date: Mon Nov 17 19:55:13 CET 2003
Name: Giampietro Di Santo ([email protected]) at

Subject: Informations

Hi, I'm an italian student, my name's Giampietro and I haven't heard about this phenomena for long and as soon as I knew it I was fascinated by it. Therefore I'd like to be more informed about it and I'm looking for a way to be updated as soon as a new event takes you have an installation over there recording events all the time,I thought you'd satisfy my request. Can you do this? I'm looking forward for an answer Thank you in advance Go on with this great job

Date: Sun Nov 16 21:38:59 CET 2003
Name: Lorenzo Piovesan ([email protected]) at

Subject: go on, it could be the future...

Dear Sirs, just a few words to say "go on". There are too many money involved in energy business, and I can suppose it is not so easy to find money to do this research. A new, safe energy power would damage a lot of people interested in other things than men's and hearth's health. But it could be also a big new business. This is certainly a phisical pheneomenon, still unknown. The explanation could be the beginning of a new era of science and energy, and it will take a very long time. I'm really sorry that few people understand exaclty what it could mean. My own little contribute unfortunately can be only a good word to support you: go on, it could be the future. From the technical side of facts, I think it could be maybe useful to contact scientists envolved in studies about gravity. But also about this, everything is still at the beginning. One more thing, I know there were italian scientists in Hessdalen recently, so you should know that also in Italy there's something similar.. Here's the link, but it seems not so studied.. Best regards.

Date: Sat Nov 15 20:38:53 CET 2003
Name: Prof.Reinaldo Rios ([email protected]) at

Subject: Please add my link Reinaldo Rios

Date: Thu Nov 13 15:59:21 CET 2003
Name: Silvan Mifsud ([email protected]) at

Subject: Hessdalen

Dear Sirs, I would like to say that your doing a very good job about this phenomena in norway. i was see a t.v show about this wonderful thing. i would like to visit the valley my self. i am from Malta and i am would like to go to this place and see with my own eyes. I would like that you could give me some information regarding this town. I look forward to hear from you soon. best regards, Silvan Mifsud.

Date: Thu Nov 13 11:09:14 CET 2003
Name: Leonardo ([email protected]) at

Subject: Informazioni

Salve...sono Leonardo ed ho 19 anni e vi scrivo dalla Sicilia! Pochi giorni fa ho visto un documentario sulle luci di Hessdalen che mi ha colpito molto! Volevo sapere se c� un link da dove si trasmette in diretta via web! Grazie e buon lavoro! Spero di ricevere al pi� presto vostre risposte!

Date: Wed Nov 12 22:46:13 CET 2003
Name: Mirko () at

Subject: 2 photos on your site

I looked at these ones: They're quite impressive photos!

Date: Wed Nov 12 22:41:53 CET 2003
Name: Marianna ([email protected]) at

Subject: Buon lavoro!

Hi.Congratulations for your work!I think it's very difficult to work to a new phenomena like this.I have just visited this website but I haven't still "studied" it.Is there some pubblication in italian about it?(I'm not good in english). GOOD WORK

Date: Wed Nov 12 11:21:24 CET 2003
Name: salvatore ([email protected]) at

Subject: infarmatica

non saranno mica alieni?? li avvistano anche sullo spazio..

Date: Fri Nov 7 18:14:25 CET 2003
Name: Donald Duck () at

Subject: D�rlig oppdatering

Elendig oppdatering p� sidene.SKJERP DERE!

Date: Fri Nov 7 17:25:52 CET 2003
Name: Adipex ([email protected]) at

Subject: Phentermine

This is a great web site.

Date: Fri Nov 7 11:45:26 CET 2003
Name: Adipex ([email protected]) at

Subject: Phentermine

Hi - big thanks (great site!).

Date: Mon Nov 3 03:34:14 CET 2003
Name: Iorgan ([email protected]) at

Subject: ufo

Hi. The thing in the sky is it a UFO or something els. I belive that UFO:s is out there. It should be nice to see it. For a couple of years ago i saw something in the sky that change it�s colours. First it was only one thing, but after couple of minutes it was two things there. The "thing" could just stopp in the sky then after a while it fly away out in the space. I wunder if it was a UFO. I belive it was.

Date: Thu Oct 30 04:00:39 CET 2003
Name: Jim Hughey ([email protected]) at

Subject: Craft Links Board Comments

Just wanted to thank you guys for getting such an informative site. Your site is indeed a wonderful and i bookmarked it. I have found some of the information here helpful. I have closed more time explained around me with the contents of your home page from each other now. Unfortunately, there are little good sites. Your site is very good. Thank you for the opportunity to sign your guest book. I found it very interesting to read other peoples comments about your site

Date: Thu Oct 30 03:26:52 CET 2003
Name: John Russo ([email protected]) at

Subject: Craft Links Board Comments

Nice website and webdesign! Because of not enough time now I just bookmarked your site and will come in several weeks again to have a look at some things I'm interested in. So have a nice day!

Date: Wed Oct 29 02:22:53 CET 2003
Name: Valorie Morgan ([email protected]) at

Subject: Craft Links Board Comments

Nice website and webdesign! Because of not enough time now I just bookmarked your site and will come in several weeks again to have a look at some things I'm interested in. So have a nice day!

Date: Wed Oct 29 01:40:23 CET 2003
Name: Geneva McNeely ([email protected]) at

Subject: Craft Links Board Comments

Nice website and webdesign! Because of not enough time now I just bookmarked your site and will come in several weeks again to have a look at some things I'm interested in. So have a nice day!

Date: Sun Oct 26 19:15:11 CET 2003
Name: Renato Travassos ([email protected]) at

Subject: Please verify geological situation

Congratulations for your Project I appreciate change experiences and technologies. I�m member of AFEU group ( UFO research)in Rio de Janeiro Brazil. Similar situation like yours. Verify geoloical "MONAZITIC" points in your area please... Check evidences of "portals" . Thanks and good lucky.

Date: Sat Oct 18 17:58:32 CEST 2003
Name: Jim Hughey ([email protected]) at

Subject: Craft Links Board Comments

Just wanted to thank you guys for getting such an informative site. Your site is indeed a wonderful and i bookmarked it. I have found some of the information here helpful. I have closed more time explained around me with the contents of your home page from each other now. Unfortunately, there are little good sites. Your site is very good. Thank you for the opportunity to sign your guest book. I found it very interesting to read other peoples comments about your site

Date: Sat Oct 18 17:28:42 CEST 2003
Name: Jim Hughey ([email protected]) at

Subject: Craft Links Board Comments

I really enjoyed spending some time surfin on your web page and didn't wanted to leave without some greetings to you!

Date: Sat Oct 18 16:58:54 CEST 2003
Name: Mark Richer ([email protected]) at

Subject: Craft Links Board Comments

Nice website and webdesign! Because of not enough time now I just bookmarked your site and will come in several weeks again to have a look at some things I'm interested in. So have a nice day!

Date: Sat Oct 18 16:29:07 CEST 2003
Name: John Russo ([email protected]) at

Subject: Craft Links Board Comments

I really enjoyed spending some time surfin on your web page and didn't wanted to leave without some greetings to you!

Date: Sat Oct 18 15:59:19 CEST 2003
Name: Ron Cunningham ([email protected]) at

Subject: Craft Links Board Comments

Just wanted to thank you guys for getting such an informative site. Your site is indeed a wonderful and i bookmarked it. I have found some of the information here helpful. I have closed more time explained around me with the contents of your home page from each other now. Unfortunately, there are little good sites. Your site is very good. Thank you for the opportunity to sign your guest book. I found it very interesting to read other peoples comments about your site

Date: Sat Oct 18 15:29:30 CEST 2003
Name: John Russo ([email protected]) at

Subject: Craft Links Board Comments

An absolutely GREAT site! I did really enjoy it. Your beautiful site helps to relax, thank you! Keep up the good work! :-)

Date: Sat Oct 18 14:59:43 CEST 2003
Name: Ramona Heinkel ([email protected]) at

Subject: Craft Links Board Comments

Just wanted to thank you guys for getting such an informative site. Your site is indeed a wonderful and i bookmarked it. I have found some of the information here helpful. I have closed more time explained around me with the contents of your home page from each other now. Unfortunately, there are little good sites. Your site is very good. Thank you for the opportunity to sign your guest book. I found it very interesting to read other peoples comments about your site

Date: Sat Oct 18 14:29:55 CEST 2003
Name: John Russo ([email protected]) at

Subject: Craft Links Board Comments

An absolutely GREAT site! I did really enjoy it. Your beautiful site helps to relax, thank you! Keep up the good work! :-)

Date: Sat Oct 18 14:00:07 CEST 2003
Name: Jim Hughey ([email protected]) at

Subject: Craft Links Board Comments

Nice website and webdesign! Because of not enough time now I just bookmarked your site and will come in several weeks again to have a look at some things I'm interested in. So have a nice day!

Date: Sat Oct 18 13:30:18 CEST 2003
Name: Ron Cunningham ([email protected]) at

Subject: Craft Links Board Comments

Hello, i have found this site about a search engine. This brings back so many memories. Thank you very much for going to the extent you have in doing such a great job. Keep up the good work

Date: Sat Oct 18 13:00:29 CEST 2003
Name: Geneva McNeely ([email protected]) at

Subject: Craft Links Board Comments

I really enjoyed spending some time surfin on your web page and didn't wanted to leave without some greetings to you!

Date: Sat Oct 18 12:30:41 CEST 2003
Name: Geneva McNeely ([email protected]) at

Subject: Craft Links Board Comments

Nice website and webdesign! Because of not enough time now I just bookmarked your site and will come in several weeks again to have a look at some things I'm interested in. So have a nice day!

Date: Sat Oct 18 12:00:52 CEST 2003
Name: Geneva McNeely ([email protected]) at

Subject: Craft Links Board Comments

Brilliant website! Really useful. Why can't the RYA have this info? I am a sailing software engineer in England, who can't understand why basic algorithms for information like tide tables are not provided by government agencies FOC. Your website is an example of what I see the web being used for in the future.

Date: Sat Oct 18 11:31:02 CEST 2003
Name: Rita Patricia ([email protected]) at

Subject: Craft Links Board Comments

Brilliant website! Really useful. Why can't the RYA have this info? I am a sailing software engineer in England, who can't understand why basic algorithms for information like tide tables are not provided by government agencies FOC. Your website is an example of what I see the web being used for in the future.

Date: Sat Oct 18 11:01:14 CEST 2003
Name: Geneva McNeely ([email protected]) at

Subject: Craft Links Board Comments

Hello, i have found this site about a search engine. This brings back so many memories. Thank you very much for going to the extent you have in doing such a great job. Keep up the good work

Date: Sat Oct 18 09:23:06 CEST 2003
Name: Ron Cunningham ([email protected]) at

Subject: Craft Links Board Comments

I just want to say hello.Your site is on the very high level and includes a lot of very interesting features and was very useful for me.I wish you a huge succes to the future.

Date: Sat Oct 18 08:53:19 CEST 2003
Name: Valorie Morgan ([email protected]) at

Subject: Craft Links Board Comments

Brilliant website! Really useful. Why can't the RYA have this info? I am a sailing software engineer in England, who can't understand why basic algorithms for information like tide tables are not provided by government agencies FOC. Your website is an example of what I see the web being used for in the future.

Date: Sat Oct 18 08:23:31 CEST 2003
Name: Rita Patricia ([email protected]) at

Subject: Craft Links Board Comments

Just wanted to thank you guys for getting such an informative site. Your site is indeed a wonderful and i bookmarked it. I have found some of the information here helpful. I have closed more time explained around me with the contents of your home page from each other now. Unfortunately, there are little good sites. Your site is very good. Thank you for the opportunity to sign your guest book. I found it very interesting to read other peoples comments about your site

Date: Fri Oct 17 20:16:57 CEST 2003
Name: Rita Patricia ([email protected]) at

Subject: Craft Links Board Comments

Brilliant website! Really useful. Why can't the RYA have this info? I am a sailing software engineer in England, who can't understand why basic algorithms for information like tide tables are not provided by government agencies FOC. Your website is an example of what I see the web being used for in the future.

Date: Fri Oct 17 18:35:50 CEST 2003
Name: Valorie Morgan ([email protected]) at

Subject: Craft Links Board Comments

I really enjoyed spending some time surfin on your web page and didn't wanted to leave without some greetings to you!

Date: Fri Oct 17 18:05:53 CEST 2003
Name: John Russo ([email protected]) at

Subject: Craft Links Board Comments

I just want to say hello.Your site is on the very high level and includes a lot of very interesting features and was very useful for me.I wish you a huge succes to the future.

Date: Fri Oct 17 17:35:58 CEST 2003
Name: Andrew Perry ([email protected]) at

Subject: Craft Links Board Comments

Need to fix the time. It is one hour behind. Works OK if I set the PC time out by one hour. LOVE the program. I'm looking at how to add subordinate stations for local coverage where we sail

Date: Fri Oct 17 17:06:05 CEST 2003
Name: Nathan Babbs ([email protected]) at

Subject: Craft Links Board Comments

Date: Thu Oct 16 20:41:44 CEST 2003
Name: Nathan Babbs ([email protected]) at


Brilliant website! Really useful. Why can't the RYA have this info? I am a sailing software engineer in England, who can't understand why basic algorithms for information like tide tables are not provided by government agencies FOC. Your website is an example of what I see the web being used for in the future.

Date: Thu Oct 16 19:59:17 CEST 2003
Name: Kayanja Henry ([email protected]) at


Need to fix the time. It is one hour behind. Works OK if I set the PC time out by one hour. LOVE the program. I'm looking at how to add subordinate stations for local coverage where we sail

Date: Thu Oct 16 19:16:52 CEST 2003
Name: Nathan Babbs ([email protected]) at


Downloaded the program last year and still have it on my desktop. I fish for striped bass on the falling tides and can plan fishing trips and times to within 1 hour of good fishing. Appreciate the software very much. If you are looking for potential features, a rolling 5-7 day view would be great. I use the monthly calendar a lot to look out for the following week-end but the visual shows me heights and how much current I can expect.

Date: Thu Oct 16 18:34:30 CEST 2003
Name: Nathan Babbs ([email protected]) at


Sorry it took so long to get back to your Website. You have put a ton of work into it! You've really updated things since I was here last. Looks great!

Date: Thu Oct 16 17:32:52 CEST 2003
Name: Kayanja Henry ([email protected]) at


I'm impressed.

Date: Thu Oct 16 16:50:02 CEST 2003
Name: RANSFORD LAMPTEY ([email protected]) at


Need to fix the time. It is one hour behind. Works OK if I set the PC time out by one hour. LOVE the program. I'm looking at how to add subordinate stations for local coverage where we sail

Date: Thu Oct 16 16:07:39 CEST 2003
Name: Bob Hill ([email protected]) at


I'm impressed.

Date: Thu Oct 16 15:25:18 CEST 2003
Name: SAMUEL DURODOLA ([email protected]) at


The program is fantastic, I've checked it continously against locally produced tide charts printed by the Government and in all cases found it to be totally accurate in height predictions and only three or four minutes out in time predictions. Wonderful program! Hope you can keep it going. Thank you.

Date: Thu Oct 16 13:26:00 CEST 2003
Name: RANSFORD LAMPTEY ([email protected]) at


I'm impressed.

Date: Thu Oct 16 10:40:53 CEST 2003
Name: George Kanyingi ([email protected]) at


Downloaded the program last year and still have it on my desktop. I fish for striped bass on the falling tides and can plan fishing trips and times to within 1 hour of good fishing. Appreciate the software very much. If you are looking for potential features, a rolling 5-7 day view would be great. I use the monthly calendar a lot to look out for the following week-end but the visual shows me heights and how much current I can expect.

Date: Thu Oct 16 09:58:31 CEST 2003
Name: SAMUEL DURODOLA ([email protected]) at


The program is fantastic, I've checked it continously against locally produced tide charts printed by the Government and in all cases found it to be totally accurate in height predictions and only three or four minutes out in time predictions. Wonderful program! Hope you can keep it going. Thank you.

Date: Wed Oct 15 23:42:44 CEST 2003
Name: Norwegian in USA () at

Subject: Teori

Hallo! Bra prosjekt, men jeg synes dere burde legge ut en forenkla versjon av teorien til den engelskmannen.... Keep up the good work!

Date: Wed Oct 15 17:27:28 CEST 2003
Name: SAMUEL DURODOLA ([email protected]) at


Downloaded the program last year and still have it on my desktop. I fish for striped bass on the falling tides and can plan fishing trips and times to within 1 hour of good fishing. Appreciate the software very much. If you are looking for potential features, a rolling 5-7 day view would be great. I use the monthly calendar a lot to look out for the following week-end but the visual shows me heights and how much current I can expect.

Date: Wed Oct 15 16:44:39 CEST 2003
Name: Andrew Perry ([email protected]) at


I'm impressed.

Date: Wed Oct 15 16:03:56 CEST 2003
Name: RANSFORD LAMPTEY ([email protected]) at


Brilliant website! Really useful. Why can't the RYA have this info? I am a sailing software engineer in England, who can't understand why basic algorithms for information like tide tables are not provided by government agencies FOC. Your website is an example of what I see the web being used for in the future.

Date: Wed Oct 15 14:30:37 CEST 2003
Name: Bob Hill ([email protected]) at


Need to fix the time. It is one hour behind. Works OK if I set the PC time out by one hour. LOVE the program. I'm looking at how to add subordinate stations for local coverage where we sail

Date: Tue Oct 14 20:42:24 CEST 2003
Name: ddsaq ([email protected]) at

Subject: test

Fantastic ! ===============================================================================

Date: Tue Oct 14 18:23:01 CEST 2003
Name: Andrew Perry ([email protected]) at


Need to fix the time. It is one hour behind. Works OK if I set the PC time out by one hour. LOVE the program. I'm looking at how to add subordinate stations for local coverage where we sail

Date: Tue Oct 14 17:48:26 CEST 2003
Name: Kayanja Henry ([email protected]) at


Great Site - Help Us if you Can!

Date: Tue Oct 14 17:13:52 CEST 2003
Name: Bob Hill ([email protected]) at


I'm impressed.

Date: Tue Oct 14 16:39:17 CEST 2003
Name: Bob Hill ([email protected]) at


Brilliant website! Really useful. Why can't the RYA have this info? I am a sailing software engineer in England, who can't understand why basic algorithms for information like tide tables are not provided by government agencies FOC. Your website is an example of what I see the web being used for in the future.

Date: Tue Oct 14 16:04:43 CEST 2003
Name: Kayanja Henry ([email protected]) at


What a wonderfull tool. Hourly tidal movements have not seen this type of chart for many years. Keep up the good work. Look forward to your next chalange. Please keep me updated. Regards.

Date: Tue Oct 14 15:30:08 CEST 2003
Name: Andrew Perry ([email protected]) at


Sorry it took so long to get back to your Website. You have put a ton of work into it! You've really updated things since I was here last. Looks great!

Date: Tue Oct 14 14:55:33 CEST 2003
Name: Nathan Babbs ([email protected]) at


Sorry it took so long to get back to your Website. You have put a ton of work into it! You've really updated things since I was here last. Looks great!

Date: Tue Oct 14 14:20:59 CEST 2003
Name: George Kanyingi ([email protected]) at


Need to fix the time. It is one hour behind. Works OK if I set the PC time out by one hour. LOVE the program. I'm looking at how to add subordinate stations for local coverage where we sail

Date: Tue Oct 14 13:46:22 CEST 2003
Name: Kayanja Henry ([email protected]) at


Downloaded the program last year and still have it on my desktop. I fish for striped bass on the falling tides and can plan fishing trips and times to within 1 hour of good fishing. Appreciate the software very much. If you are looking for potential features, a rolling 5-7 day view would be great. I use the monthly calendar a lot to look out for the following week-end but the visual shows me heights and how much current I can expect.

Date: Tue Oct 14 13:11:39 CEST 2003
Name: SAMUEL DURODOLA ([email protected]) at


Need to fix the time. It is one hour behind. Works OK if I set the PC time out by one hour. LOVE the program. I'm looking at how to add subordinate stations for local coverage where we sail

Date: Tue Oct 14 12:36:55 CEST 2003
Name: Nathan Babbs ([email protected]) at


Need to fix the time. It is one hour behind. Works OK if I set the PC time out by one hour. LOVE the program. I'm looking at how to add subordinate stations for local coverage where we sail

Date: Tue Oct 14 12:02:14 CEST 2003
Name: Bob Hill ([email protected]) at


Great Site - Help Us if you Can!

Date: Tue Oct 14 11:24:38 CEST 2003
Name: SAMUEL DURODOLA ([email protected]) at


The program is fantastic, I've checked it continously against locally produced tide charts printed by the Government and in all cases found it to be totally accurate in height predictions and only three or four minutes out in time predictions. Wonderful program! Hope you can keep it going. Thank you.

Date: Tue Oct 14 10:23:41 CEST 2003
Name: Walter ([email protected]) at


Perfect island,Perfect athmosphere,Perfect resort,It was also perfect HONEYMOON.It was just like a heaven!!

Date: Mon Oct 13 20:50:26 CEST 2003
Name: Stephen ([email protected]) at


Your website looks great!Your facility is beautiful I hope to come and see it in person some time in the near future. Good Luck with upcoming events!!!

Date: Mon Oct 13 20:21:41 CEST 2003
Name: Stephen ([email protected]) at


Super....! Le site, je saute dans le 1er avion pour la Thailande..

Date: Mon Oct 13 19:53:08 CEST 2003
Name: Stephen ([email protected]) at


Hi there I found you at Altavista. You have wealth of information on your site and a nice design. Greetings from Germany.

Date: Mon Oct 13 19:24:10 CEST 2003
Name: Walter ([email protected]) at


Message pour MARIANNE GYSELINCK (one of your guest)Bonnes vacances chouchou, bronze bien, enjoy.. CU soon kisssss thibaut

Date: Mon Oct 13 18:55:20 CEST 2003
Name: Stephen ([email protected]) at


Message pour MARIANNE GYSELINCK (one of your guest)Bonnes vacances chouchou, bronze bien, enjoy.. CU soon kisssss thibaut

Date: Mon Oct 13 18:26:17 CEST 2003
Name: Dave ([email protected]) at


Just wanted to thank you guys for getting such an informative site. Excelent graphic photoshop designed and easy to navigate. Your site is indeed a wonderful and i bookmarked it. I have found some of the information here helpful. I have closed more time explained around me with the contents of your home page from each other now. Unfortunately, there are little good sites. Your site is very good.

Date: Mon Oct 13 16:53:10 CEST 2003
Name: Line ([email protected]) at

Subject: UFO bilda?!

kunnja t�nkt m� ett par blida av litt st�rre UFOa... kanj d�kk senj m� ett par s�nne via meil? vi har s�r oppgave p� skola � skulla hat n�n bilda te denj boka da... p� forh�nd takk! Hilsen Line

Date: Sun Oct 12 20:01:51 CEST 2003
Name: Walter ([email protected]) at


What a nice website, very informative and close enough to Baltimore to visit. See you soon

Date: Sun Oct 12 19:30:45 CEST 2003
Name: Stephen ([email protected]) at


Message pour MARIANNE GYSELINCK (one of your guest)Bonnes vacances chouchou, bronze bien, enjoy.. CU soon kisssss thibaut

Date: Sun Oct 12 18:59:39 CEST 2003
Name: Jim ([email protected]) at


Your website looks great!Your facility is beautiful I hope to come and see it in person some time in the near future. Good Luck with upcoming events!!!

Date: Sun Oct 12 17:58:13 CEST 2003
Name: Dave ([email protected]) at


Super....! Le site, je saute dans le 1er avion pour la Thailande..

Date: Sun Oct 12 17:27:10 CEST 2003
Name: Anthony ([email protected]) at


New web site looks great! Looking forward to seeing the mansion in holiday decor, love your holiday tours!

Date: Sun Oct 12 16:56:05 CEST 2003
Name: Walter ([email protected]) at


Hi there I found you at Altavista. You have wealth of information on your site and a nice design. Greetings from Germany.

Date: Sun Oct 12 16:24:59 CEST 2003
Name: Stephen ([email protected]) at


Perfect island,Perfect athmosphere,Perfect resort,It was also perfect HONEYMOON.It was just like a heaven!!

Date: Sun Oct 12 15:53:45 CEST 2003
Name: Stephen ([email protected]) at


Just wanted to thank you guys for getting such an informative site. Excelent graphic photoshop designed and easy to navigate. Your site is indeed a wonderful and i bookmarked it. I have found some of the information here helpful. I have closed more time explained around me with the contents of your home page from each other now. Unfortunately, there are little good sites. Your site is very good.

Date: Sun Oct 12 14:52:04 CEST 2003
Name: Walter ([email protected]) at


What a nice website, very informative and close enough to Baltimore to visit. See you soon

Date: Sun Oct 12 14:21:02 CEST 2003
Name: Walter ([email protected]) at


Message pour MARIANNE GYSELINCK (one of your guest)Bonnes vacances chouchou, bronze bien, enjoy.. CU soon kisssss thibaut

Date: Sun Oct 12 11:08:02 CEST 2003
Name: Andy ([email protected]) at


Hello, WOW! FAntastic Website! I have found you by surfing in. I enjoy staying here. Surely, I will come back another time. Till then, keep on good working, bye

Date: Sat Oct 11 13:29:35 CEST 2003
Name: Raven ([email protected]) at


What a nice website, very informative and close enough to Baltimore to visit. See you soon

Date: Sat Oct 11 13:02:07 CEST 2003
Name: Stephen ([email protected]) at


What a nice website, very informative and close enough to Baltimore to visit. See you soon

Date: Sat Oct 11 12:34:59 CEST 2003
Name: Stephen ([email protected]) at


Message pour MARIANNE GYSELINCK (one of your guest)Bonnes vacances chouchou, bronze bien, enjoy.. CU soon kisssss thibaut

Date: Sat Oct 11 11:33:27 CEST 2003
Name: Mario ([email protected]) at


What a nice website, very informative and close enough to Baltimore to visit. See you soon

Date: Sat Oct 11 11:04:05 CEST 2003
Name: Raven ([email protected]) at


Super....! Le site, je saute dans le 1er avion pour la Thailande..

Date: Sat Oct 11 02:52:47 CEST 2003
Name: jonno ([email protected]) at

Subject: bill

hello all good siet

Date: Fri Oct 10 19:53:27 CEST 2003
Name: Marthy ([email protected]) at


I visited your website because I got an email from a person who lives there, Michel Fabris from the Robberechts company. Your site is beautiful, as is your town. Thanks for the chance to sign your guestbook. Keep up the greatest work ever!!!

Date: Fri Oct 10 15:43:08 CEST 2003
Name: Dave ([email protected]) at


Message pour MARIANNE GYSELINCK (one of your guest)Bonnes vacances chouchou, bronze bien, enjoy.. CU soon kisssss thibaut

Date: Fri Oct 10 12:52:42 CEST 2003
Name: Walter ([email protected]) at


Just wanted to thank you guys for getting such an informative site. Excelent graphic photoshop designed and easy to navigate. Your site is indeed a wonderful and i bookmarked it. I have found some of the information here helpful. I have closed more time explained around me with the contents of your home page from each other now. Unfortunately, there are little good sites. Your site is very good.

Date: Fri Oct 10 12:28:59 CEST 2003
Name: Walter ([email protected]) at


New web site looks great! Looking forward to seeing the mansion in holiday decor, love your holiday tours!

Date: Fri Oct 10 12:05:16 CEST 2003
Name: Helen ([email protected]) at


Super....! Le site, je saute dans le 1er avion pour la Thailande..

Date: Thu Oct 9 20:41:58 CEST 2003
Name: Dune ([email protected]) at


Just wanted to thank you guys for getting such an informative site. Excelent graphic photoshop designed and easy to navigate. Your site is indeed a wonderful and i bookmarked it. I have found some of the information here helpful. I have closed more time explained around me with the contents of your home page from each other now. Unfortunately, there are little good sites. Your site is very good.

Date: Thu Oct 9 20:18:20 CEST 2003
Name: Alpha ([email protected]) at


What a nice website, very informative and close enough to Baltimore to visit. See you soon

Date: Thu Oct 9 16:08:13 CEST 2003
Name: Emanuelle ([email protected]) at


Thanks for the chance to sign your guestbook. It's nice to see how many people stopped by and posted a message. This site sure has a ton of links. Great Site! Gob bless all of you!!!

Date: Thu Oct 9 15:53:49 CEST 2003
Name: Denise ([email protected]) at

Subject: greetings

What a beautiful landscape. I really would like to see that all in real. Greetings from Germany

Date: Thu Oct 9 12:53:08 CEST 2003
Name: Jean ([email protected]) at


Your website looks great!Your facility is beautiful I hope to come and see it in person some time in the near future. Good Luck with upcoming events!!!

Date: Thu Oct 9 12:29:24 CEST 2003
Name: Maray ([email protected]) at


Perfect island,Perfect athmosphere,Perfect resort,It was also perfect HONEYMOON.It was just like a heaven!!

Date: Thu Oct 9 12:05:45 CEST 2003
Name: Celine ([email protected]) at


What a nice website, very informative and close enough to Baltimore to visit. See you soon

Date: Thu Oct 9 11:41:57 CEST 2003
Name: Dune ([email protected]) at


What a nice website, very informative and close enough to Baltimore to visit. See you soon

Date: Thu Oct 9 11:18:15 CEST 2003
Name: Alpha ([email protected]) at


Perfect island,Perfect athmosphere,Perfect resort,It was also perfect HONEYMOON.It was just like a heaven!!

Date: Thu Oct 9 10:54:32 CEST 2003
Name: Crush ([email protected]) at


Message pour MARIANNE GYSELINCK (one of your guest)Bonnes vacances chouchou, bronze bien, enjoy.. CU soon kisssss thibaut

Date: Thu Oct 9 10:30:48 CEST 2003
Name: Maray ([email protected]) at


Message pour MARIANNE GYSELINCK (one of your guest)Bonnes vacances chouchou, bronze bien, enjoy.. CU soon kisssss thibaut

Date: Thu Oct 9 10:07:06 CEST 2003
Name: Crush ([email protected]) at


Your website looks great!Your facility is beautiful I hope to come and see it in person some time in the near future. Good Luck with upcoming events!!!

Date: Thu Oct 9 05:47:54 CEST 2003
Name: ddsaq ([email protected]) at

Subject: dial

Great site !!!

Date: Wed Oct 8 12:48:13 CEST 2003
Name: Vegard ([email protected]) at

Subject: lysfenonener

Dere har mange bilder av disse fenomenene. Dere m� fortsette!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Date: Wed Oct 8 10:14:53 CEST 2003
Name: Maray ([email protected]) at


What a nice website, very informative and close enough to Baltimore to visit. See you soon

Date: Wed Oct 8 09:45:38 CEST 2003
Name: Maray ([email protected]) at


Just wanted to thank you guys for getting such an informative site. Excelent graphic photoshop designed and easy to navigate. Your site is indeed a wonderful and i bookmarked it. I have found some of the information here helpful. I have closed more time explained around me with the contents of your home page from each other now. Unfortunately, there are little good sites. Your site is very good.

Date: Tue Oct 7 18:43:47 CEST 2003
Name: John ([email protected]) at


Your website looks great!Your facility is beautiful I hope to come and see it in person some time in the near future. Good Luck with upcoming events!!!

Date: Tue Oct 7 16:30:30 CEST 2003
Name: Dylon ([email protected]) at


Just wanted to thank you guys for getting such an informative site. Excelent graphic photoshop designed and easy to navigate. Your site is indeed a wonderful and i bookmarked it. I have found some of the information here helpful. I have closed more time explained around me with the contents of your home page from each other now. Unfortunately, there are little good sites. Your site is very good.

Date: Mon Oct 6 13:52:53 CEST 2003
Name: John ([email protected]) at


Message pour MARIANNE GYSELINCK (one of your guest)Bonnes vacances chouchou, bronze bien, enjoy.. CU soon kisssss thibaut

Date: Mon Oct 6 13:25:33 CEST 2003
Name: Superguy ([email protected]) at


Hello, I found you at Altavista. You have wealth of information on your site and a nice design. Greetings from Germany.

Date: Mon Oct 6 12:58:17 CEST 2003
Name: Superguy ([email protected]) at


Hello, I found you at Altavista. You have wealth of information on your site and a nice design. Greetings from Germany.

Date: Mon Oct 6 12:56:40 CEST 2003
Name: Tom Meurman ([email protected]) at

Subject: picture

I think I can explain the origin of one picture on this site. To see it, click Pictures in section PHENOMENA. Look at the 18th picture from top (4th from bottom). What you see looks very similar to the smoke of an airplane (flying to the left). The smoke may be illuminated by the moon or by the sun lying just below the horizon. Some of the data attached to the picture may be incorrect.

Date: Mon Oct 6 12:30:59 CEST 2003
Name: Presley ([email protected]) at


I live in Germany and like your website. Thanks for the good information and entertainment. Keep up this great resource. Best greetings, Lars Reiseburo Lastminute Last minute Lexikon Wissen

Date: Mon Oct 6 12:03:41 CEST 2003
Name: Bob ([email protected]) at


It is obvious you have a deep love for God and all he has created, and understand and accept the trials of life that shape us. Your creations and soul are beautiful.

Date: Mon Oct 6 11:34:42 CEST 2003
Name: Superguy ([email protected]) at


Hello, I found you at Altavista. You have wealth of information on your site and a nice design. Greetings from Germany.

Date: Sun Oct 5 16:21:50 CEST 2003
Name: Suxon ([email protected]) at


This is my second time to your site, so I thought I would sign your guestbook. I'm an expert in Plastic Surgery so if you have any questions, let me know. Thanks again.

Date: Sun Oct 5 15:57:49 CEST 2003
Name: Suxon ([email protected]) at


This is my second time to your site, so I thought I would sign your guestbook. I'm an expert in Plastic Surgery so if you have any questions, let me know. Thanks again.

Date: Sun Oct 5 15:33:50 CEST 2003
Name: Jordan ([email protected]) at


WOW!!! I absolutely love the work you've done on those rooms!!! When I see the pictures I feel as if I've stepped into a fairy tale book. That's an amazing talent to bring it to life as you have. Keep up the awesome work!!!

Date: Sun Oct 5 15:09:51 CEST 2003
Name: Jack ([email protected]) at


Thanks for the inspiration! I'm 26 (going on 5) and working on creating a forest inside my apartment, which is difficult considering my distinct lack of artistic talent. Loved your artwork and also the fact that you do something you love for a living! There is hope! Never seen a guestbook so maligned by spammers tho, you poor guy. Very weird.

Date: Sun Oct 5 14:45:52 CEST 2003
Name: Jack ([email protected]) at


Thanks for the inspiration! I'm 26 (going on 5) and working on creating a forest inside my apartment, which is difficult considering my distinct lack of artistic talent. Loved your artwork and also the fact that you do something you love for a living! There is hope! Never seen a guestbook so maligned by spammers tho, you poor guy. Very weird.

Date: Sun Oct 5 14:21:52 CEST 2003
Name: Suxon ([email protected]) at


This is my second time to your site, so I thought I would sign your guestbook. I'm an expert in Plastic Surgery so if you have any questions, let me know. Thanks again.

Date: Sun Oct 5 13:57:52 CEST 2003
Name: Suxon ([email protected]) at


This is my second time to your site, so I thought I would sign your guestbook. I'm an expert in Plastic Surgery so if you have any questions, let me know. Thanks again.

Date: Sun Oct 5 13:33:52 CEST 2003
Name: Suxon ([email protected]) at


This is my second time to your site, so I thought I would sign your guestbook. I'm an expert in Plastic Surgery so if you have any questions, let me know. Thanks again.

Date: Sun Oct 5 13:09:53 CEST 2003
Name: Linda ([email protected]) at


Great website very good work and nice design

Date: Sun Oct 5 12:45:52 CEST 2003
Name: Elvis ([email protected]) at


I just wonna thank you very much for being such a cute. GOD bless you!!!

Date: Sun Oct 5 12:21:53 CEST 2003
Name: Jack ([email protected]) at


Thanks for the inspiration! I'm 26 (going on 5) and working on creating a forest inside my apartment, which is difficult considering my distinct lack of artistic talent. Loved your artwork and also the fact that you do something you love for a living! There is hope! Never seen a guestbook so maligned by spammers tho, you poor guy. Very weird.

Date: Sun Oct 5 11:57:56 CEST 2003
Name: Elvis ([email protected]) at


I just wonna thank you very much for being such a cute. GOD bless you!!!

Date: Sun Oct 5 11:33:53 CEST 2003
Name: Jack ([email protected]) at


Thanks for the inspiration! I'm 26 (going on 5) and working on creating a forest inside my apartment, which is difficult considering my distinct lack of artistic talent. Loved your artwork and also the fact that you do something you love for a living! There is hope! Never seen a guestbook so maligned by spammers tho, you poor guy. Very weird.

Date: Sun Oct 5 11:09:53 CEST 2003
Name: Elvis ([email protected]) at


I just wonna thank you very much for being such a cute. GOD bless you!!!

Date: Sun Oct 5 10:45:53 CEST 2003
Name: Suxon ([email protected]) at


This is my second time to your site, so I thought I would sign your guestbook. I'm an expert in Plastic Surgery so if you have any questions, let me know. Thanks again.

Date: Sun Oct 5 10:21:54 CEST 2003
Name: Jordan ([email protected]) at


WOW!!! I absolutely love the work you've done on those rooms!!! When I see the pictures I feel as if I've stepped into a fairy tale book. That's an amazing talent to bring it to life as you have. Keep up the awesome work!!!

Date: Sun Oct 5 10:00:51 CEST 2003
Name: Tom ([email protected]) at


I have been here and I saw the enchanted ones, this website is amazing

Date: Sun Oct 5 08:50:58 CEST 2003
Name: Elvis ([email protected]) at


I just wonna say thank you for being so cute. God bless you!!!

Date: Sat Oct 4 18:07:03 CEST 2003
Name: Bontril ([email protected]) at

Subject: Phentermine

Hi And Thanks Bontril (yes, I know my name is the same as a certain diet pill, but I was named before they were!)

Date: Fri Oct 3 01:23:42 CEST 2003
Name: Meridia ([email protected]) at

Subject: Phentermine

Hi everyone A big thank you for this wonderful site, it has helped me immensely. If you have time on your hands, I would sure appreciate you visiting my site also. Thanks Mary Meridia

Date: Thu Oct 2 18:47:38 CEST 2003
Name: Meridia ([email protected]) at

Subject: Phentermine

Hi everyone A big thank you for this wonderful site, it has helped me immensely. If you have time on your hands, I would sure appreciate you visiting my site also. It is called Chic Phentermine, and offers sales of phentermine diet pills. Please check us out for phentermine weight loss medications, including adipex, xenical, meridia, adipex and discount phentermine. Thanks Mary Meridia

Date: Thu Oct 2 13:17:16 CEST 2003
Name: Tina ([email protected]) at


Inspirided by your beautiful site. Keep up the good work.

Date: Wed Oct 1 04:58:33 CEST 2003
Name: L. D. Hacker ([email protected]) at

Subject: Interesting pictures!

Having spent a few months in your area while serving with the U.S. Navy years ago, your pictures are very interesting to me. I have always wondered about things we cannot explain away or come up with a reason for. Keep up the good work.

Date: Mon Sep 29 23:46:07 CEST 2003
Name: Lorian ([email protected]) at


Welcome on may homepage. Moscow. Russian federation.

Date: Mon Sep 29 15:26:06 CEST 2003
Name: OKWELLE ([email protected]) at



Date: Sat Sep 27 20:50:19 CEST 2003
Name: Michael 11 ([email protected]) at

Subject: hessedalen

Har tenkt meg til Hessedalen til uka er det sett mange UFOer der? Forresten dette var en kjempe bra side. H�per dere fortsetter med prosjekt Hessedalen.

Date: Sat Sep 27 02:17:54 CEST 2003
Name: billy ([email protected]) at

Subject: billy

Date: Sun Sep 21 14:09:47 CEST 2003
Name: Phen ([email protected]) at

Subject: Phentermine

Hi Good job!

Date: Sun Sep 21 07:37:50 CEST 2003
Name: Adipex ([email protected]) at

Subject: Phentermine

Hi - big thanks (great site!). Is there any chance you could help me with my web site?! Bit of a cheek, but I like yours so much. I have a great product, but a terrible web site!. If you could help, that would be great ;-) Let me know Adipex Phenlee

Date: Sat Sep 20 16:59:59 CEST 2003
Name: RX ([email protected]) at

Subject: Phentermine

Hi I thank you for a wonderful site. You have done very good job. Hope my message it come out OK as we have very bad Internet in Mexico! Actually, we have a very bad many things! Bye Miguel

Date: Sat Sep 20 02:40:32 CEST 2003
Name: Phentermine ([email protected]) at

Subject: Phentermine

Hi I just wanted to say what a great web site you have here, thank you. The guest book is a nice touch too. Regards Phentermine

Date: Thu Sep 18 11:15:56 CEST 2003
Name: Kyrre Stenersen ([email protected]) at

Subject: Takk for en UFOrglemmelig tur

Vil bare takke for en super klassetur (teknologisk innovasjon og entrepen�rskap ved H�gskolen i �stfold)til Hesdalen for � studere fenomenet. i nesten 1 uke var vi sammen med Erling og Marsha � l�rte kjempemasse.

Date: Wed Sep 17 15:36:24 CEST 2003
Name: Anja ([email protected]) at

Subject: Tur til Hessdalen

Hei Har tenkt meg p� UFO-safari i Hessdalen i helga (telt-tur) ....h�per det ikke er bj�rn i omr�det :)

Date: Sun Sep 14 11:37:20 CEST 2003
Name: sp�kelseskladden (b��������) at

Subject: har sett ufo!!!!

I g�r s�g jeg en ufo som fl�y med en reklameplakat av makrell i tomat! Det gjorde s� sterkt inntrykk p� meg at jeg m�tte dra rett til butikken og kj�pe ei eske...

Date: Sun Sep 14 11:26:47 CEST 2003
Name: ja (ja) at

Subject: ufo vs reklame

Det er snart mere reklame enn stoff om ufo p� disse sidene! G�r det ikke an � bli kvitt dette tullet p� en eller anna m�te??? "ufoene er i dag sponset av :finus fiskepinner og lambi t�rkerull) hva med noe stoff om ufo Erling Strand?

Date: Sat Sep 13 23:48:44 CEST 2003
Name: Bali Boy ([email protected]) at

Subject: Bali

Hi Thanks for the site, I really enjoyed it. Regards Kuta BTW Is it Ok to mention another web site I liked a lot (no, it is not mine!)? It's just that sites like this deserve to be supported. You see, I was in Bali when the bombing happened, and was lucky as I had bali Belly that night. Otherwise I would have been in Paddy's Bar almost for sure. OK, well it gets my goat that all these Bali reservations sites have been saying Bali is safe. First, the Aussie police foiled another big attack, then the Marriott in Jakarta! And these liars are still telling everyone Bali is safe.

Date: Sat Sep 6 10:39:48 CEST 2003
Name: Phentermine ([email protected]) at

Subject: Phentermine

So very glad I found this truly great site :-)

Date: Sat Sep 6 10:22:37 CEST 2003
Name: Uran Levent ([email protected]) at

Subject: FDA

Hello from Istanbul

Date: Fri Sep 5 15:23:19 CEST 2003
Name: Phentermine ([email protected]) at

Subject: Phentermine

So very glad I found this truly great site :-) Would you guys consider exchanging links with my web site? Perhaps you could put the following on your front page and then tell me what you would like me to add to my site;

Date: Thu Sep 4 16:52:47 CEST 2003
Name: John () at

Subject: John

Thanks for the wonderful site , I enjoyed , keep up the good work

Date: Wed Sep 3 02:01:15 CEST 2003
Name: RX ([email protected]) at

Subject: Phentermine

Hi I thank you for a wonderful site. You have done very good job. Hope my message it come out OK as we have very bad Internet in Mexico! Actually, we have a very bad many things! Bye Miguel

Date: Tue Sep 2 17:43:29 CEST 2003
Name: RX ([email protected]) at

Subject: Phentermine

Hi I thank you for a wonderful site. You have done very good job. Hope my message it come out OK as we have very bad Internet in Mexico! Actually, we have a very bad many things! Bye Miguel

Date: Mon Sep 1 15:00:08 CEST 2003
Name: ([email protected]) at

Subject: New

Great site !!!

Date: Sun Aug 31 23:47:53 CEST 2003
Name: Phentermine ([email protected]) at

Subject: Phentermine

Hi I just wanted to say what a great web site you have here, thank you. The guest book is a nice touch too. Is there any problem in my telling you about my own web site? Regards Mike

Date: Sun Aug 31 05:45:40 CEST 2003
Name: peter ([email protected]) at

Subject: Intersting page!

Thank you for the realy interesting page!!

Date: Fri Aug 29 21:49:42 CEST 2003
Name: Adipex ([email protected]) at

Subject: Phentermine

Hi - big thanks (great site!). Is there any chance you could help me with my web site?! Bit of a cheek, but I like yours so much. I have a great product, but a terrible web site!. If you could help, that would be great ;-) Let me know Adipex Phenlee

Date: Thu Aug 21 17:02:25 CEST 2003
Name: Scott ([email protected]) at

Subject: Yellow Light


Date: Wed Aug 20 16:51:38 CEST 2003
Name: Phentermine ([email protected]) at

Subject: Phentermine

Wow, this is a great web site. I am so glad I found it, thank you. It is funny, I was just talking to my friend about their web site, and they said they like your site too! Do you know my friend Alice? Regards Pheny

Date: Mon Aug 18 22:34:19 CEST 2003
Name: Adipex ([email protected]) at

Subject: Phentermine

Hi - big thanks (great site!). Is there any chance you could help me with my web site?! Bit of a cheek, but I like yours so much. .... If you could help, that would be great ;-) Let me know Adipex Phenlee

Date: Mon Aug 18 19:53:38 CEST 2003
Name: Bali ([email protected]) at

Subject: Bali

Hi Thanks for the site, I really enjoyed it. Regards Kuta

Date: Sun Aug 17 23:27:01 CEST 2003
Name: Meridia ([email protected]) at

Subject: Phentermine

Hi everyone A big thank you for this wonderful site, it has helped me immensely. If you have time on your hands, I would sure appreciate you visiting my site also. Thanks Mary Meridia

Date: Sun Aug 17 23:03:54 CEST 2003
Name: Tynseting () at


Gikk et 30 minutter langt program p� TV2 i g�r, l�rdag 16/8, om fenomenet i Hessdalen. Interesant program i grunn. Savna imidlertid en ting, nemlig videoklipp fra noen av fenomenene. Blir liksom litt mer interesant da i grunnen. Hvor lenge er foresten UFO-senteret �pent i sommer/h�st, og hva er eventuelt bilettprisen for � komme inn og se hva som finnes der?

Date: Sun Aug 17 21:05:14 CEST 2003
Name: Morten () at

Subject: Velkommen tilbake Erling !

Hei og velkommen tilbake. Begynte � lure p� hva som kom til � skje etter at Ufo senteret ble sl�tt konkurs. N� leste jeg p� Ufo Norge at dere fortsetter � utbedre diverse oppi hessdalen og det synes jeg er kjempebra. Ogs� glad � h�re fra deg igjen p� hjemmesiden her. Blir spennende � f�lge med i hessdalen fremover og h�per alt utstyret deres fungerer greit slik at vi kanskje f�r flere opplysninger om fenomenet. St� p� Erling !!! Ps: Kanskje det g�r an � fjerne/sperre for alle reklame meldingene ogs� ?

Date: Sun Aug 17 09:30:00 CEST 2003
Name: Erling Strand ([email protected]) at

Subject: test1

Just a small test

Date: Tue Jul 29 16:57:57 CEST 2003
Name: Spamreporter () at

Subject: 2 new spammers have been reported!

As you have been warned, both "Gloria Prozac and Zoloft", and "Pfizer Viagra Sales", are now traced, and reported. It is a federal crime to send spam messages, so the spammers could end up in jail. Ps: We will continue to report spammers.

Date: Tue Jul 29 16:38:21 CEST 2003
Name: Gloria ([email protected]) at

Subject: Prozac

Hallo thank you for a lovely web site I enjoyed Gloria Prozac and Zolof

Date: Mon Jul 28 18:29:54 CEST 2003
Name: Fred ([email protected]) at

Subject: Pfizer Viagra Sales

Keep it up (like I do :-)) Great site - loved the bit about yourselves. Regards Fred Viagra

Date: Sun Jul 27 17:36:54 CEST 2003
Name: Spamreporter () at

Subject: Please stop all spam now!

All spam posted in this guestbook will from now on be reported. The ones already posted will not be reported, but all new ones. Spam is totally illegal in Norway and is not tolerated under any circumstances.

Date: Sun Jul 27 16:28:59 CEST 2003
Name: George ([email protected]) at

Subject: Meridia

Just wanted to say hi, thanks and bye.

Date: Sat Jul 26 18:08:31 CEST 2003
Name: Eric ([email protected]) at

Subject: Adipex Diet Pills

Oh, nearly forgot. Please let me know if there are any equally great sites like this you can recommend to me. Thanks Again Eric (Diet Pills, Slimming Pills) - why not lose weight as well as surf the net for treasures like this ;-)

Date: Sat Jul 26 13:59:38 CEST 2003
Name: Eric ([email protected]) at

Subject: Phentermine Diet Pills

Wonderful web site, was very useful. Lovely touch having this guestbook. Thanks Eric BTW If you (the owner of this site) or your family or friends use slimming pills like phentermine, I will happily give you a very big discount as I was so impressed with your site. Just come on over to >Phentermine .VG and ask for Eric.

Date: Thu Jul 17 09:05:16 CEST 2003
Name: mugu ([email protected]) at


keep off muguooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Date: Sun Jul 13 17:09:03 CEST 2003
Name: alpo, z-a-t-a and antenni ([email protected]) at

Subject: hello

we are three intrested men who are coming for a visit to your great center, we would be pleased if you could invite some aliens then so that we could meet them in person.. thats all thank you wery much.. bye bye

Date: Fri Jul 11 01:41:26 CEST 2003
Name: Pieter Reiker ([email protected]) at

Subject: Luxury Bali Villas

Lovely. Made my day (which is saying something) Pieter >Bali Villa Rentals

Date: Fri Jul 11 01:33:10 CEST 2003
Name: Grace ([email protected]) at

Subject: Pendleside Hospice

Lovely to see such a wonderful site. Thank you from Burnley Grace

Date: Thu Jul 10 14:55:26 CEST 2003
Name: Marianna ([email protected]) at

Subject: Xenical

Thanks for a lovely site, I am very impressed :-)

Date: Thu Jul 10 13:16:33 CEST 2003
Name: Arthur ([email protected]) at

Subject: Debt Consolidations Loans

Lovely, informative site, thanks.

Date: Thu Jul 10 00:22:43 CEST 2003
Name: Venn () at

Subject: Mye rot her n�! Fortsetter prosjektet eller...?

Denne gjesteboken har g�tt helt over styr. Ingenting fornuftig som blir skrevet her lenger. Bare reklamer for piller og gud vet hva det er alt. Dette synes jeg det burde v�rt ryddet opp i! Hjemmesiden her var seri�s f�r, men n� er den blitt mere og mere useri�s. Er det noen i hele tatt som jobber med Prosjektet her lenger eller har alle pakket sammen utstyret og dratt hjem ? � kaste bort s� mye penger og tid for s� plutselig stoppe helt opp s�nn uten videre, det skj�nner jeg ikke? Hvis det hele er over, kan dere ikke i det minste gi en tilbakemelding s� vi slipper � gruble over det lengre? Det synes jeg dere skylder alle oss som har st�ttet dere i arbeidet og som har hjulpet dere med � holde liv i prosjektet.

Date: Wed Jul 9 15:53:01 CEST 2003
Name: Peter DeSavery ([email protected]) at

Subject: New Bristol Sinfonia

Super site darlings. Thanks awfully Peter

Date: Tue Jul 8 21:12:18 CEST 2003
Name: Cal ([email protected]) at

Subject: Cal's Website

Howdy! Great site. Great content. Great! I can recommend this site to others! Cal Cal Termlimits Ps Dear webmaster - If my posting a commercial web site (such as Viagra or diet pills related) in the message /on this guestbook is a problem, just let me know and I will tell others not to do it. Please email me at [email protected] but I have a Spam filter switched on (all those African get rich emails drove me mad), so please make sure your email does not get rejected.

Date: Tue Jul 8 09:05:03 CEST 2003
Name: Bogdan ([email protected]) at

Subject: Interesting...

Really interesting!... Hello!... I'm from Romania and I found out about you and your project on Discovery Channel yesterday (07.07.2003). Please keep on the good work. I really hope you will find new sponsors to prove that aliens exist. Good luck!

Date: Tue Jul 8 00:52:27 CEST 2003
Name: Charles ([email protected]) at

Subject: Charles 2002

Hi My wife and I would like to thank you all for this web site. Hours of pleasure and all. -Charles Jones

Date: Mon Jul 7 19:05:36 CEST 2003
Name: Adipex ([email protected]) at

Subject: Adipex

Hi from New York And thanks for the web site. It was just the thing I had been looking for. It has helped me no end. Thanks again Mr. J. Adipex

Date: Mon Jul 7 04:02:18 CEST 2003
Name: Adipex ([email protected]) at

Subject: Adipex

Hi from New York And thanks for the web site. It was just the thing I had been looking for. It has helped me no end. Thanks again Mr. J. Adipex

Date: Thu Jul 3 02:29:24 CEST 2003
Name: Hector ([email protected]) at

Subject: Phentermine

Greetings Very good web site. I loved it. Found invaluable information. Just what I was looking for :-) But I have a question for the webmaster / owner. Is it OK for me / others to leave our web site details like this; I hope you say it is not a problem. The reason I ask is that, if I find a good web site like this, I naturally recommend it to my friends. Which is good yes? Well, yesterday I got an email from one of them, whom I had recommended another site. Seems the site owner was angry they posted their web information on the guestbook, and was sending them rude messages. Can you believe it? I mean, why have a guest book if you do not want people to use it correct? Anyway, if it is a problem. Just let me know and I will not recommend the site to anyone. Regards and best wishes Hector [email protected]

Date: Wed Jul 2 16:37:38 CEST 2003
Name: jkhgewiyh fra planeten zzzxxxyyitmrx () at

Subject: opdatering

blir disse sidene aldri oppdatert?

Date: Tue Jul 1 12:45:17 CEST 2003
Name: Andrew Cameron ([email protected]) at

Subject: This is really cool

I saw your project on the Discovery Channel (or at least I think it was yours, it definately looks like it) and when you said you had a website, I thought I'd come and have a look. I think that aliens exist and I really hope that you manage to proove it. I'v even seen a few UFO's myself, like a couple of white pearls high above a backyard party at a friends house (I live in Australia, if you're interested)that were circling each other, and then merging into one, and playing in the clouds.

Date: Tue Jul 1 12:38:46 CEST 2003
Name: Davide Grilli ([email protected]) at

Subject: Bravi

Complimenti per il vostro sito e per il vostro grande interesse. Vi ho conosciuto frequentando le lezioni tenute da Stelio Montebugnoli e Teodorani all'osservatorio CNR ITALY north cross di Medicina Italy. Good luck for your fantastic job. Davide Grilli

Date: Mon Jun 30 00:55:10 CEST 2003
Name: Gloria ([email protected]) at

Subject: Prozac

Ola! Thank you for this web site. My friend she did tell me about it and said it was great and she is right. Gloria

Date: Sun Jun 29 19:34:10 CEST 2003
Name: Pam ([email protected]) at

Subject: PA Networks

Hi Guys / All Superb site, thanks. Drop me an email if you get time. Pam - PA Networks Rock

Date: Sat Jun 28 14:56:37 CEST 2003
Name: NJ Stanhope ([email protected]) at

Subject: NJ Stanhope

Great find (this web site). Took me a while to find it, but was well worth the search. Sincerely NJS - NJ Stanhope

Date: Fri Jun 27 11:41:24 CEST 2003
Name: erik () at

Subject: aliens

Erling Strand har vel aldri p�st�tt at hessdalsfenomenet er farkoster fra verdensrommet. Enda er det enkelte "glupinger" som absolutt m� som absolutt m� pr�ve og gj�re narr av Strand p� disse sidene.Kan ikke dere "glupingene"lage en egen side hvor dere kan gj�re narr av hverandre.Da slipper vi og lese alt dette tullet.

Date: Fri Jun 27 10:54:48 CEST 2003
Name: Made - Balinese ([email protected]) at

Subject: Bali Hotels, Balinese Villas

Hi (Selamat) My English not so good but thank for lovely site with information I looking for and need also. Please to pray for peace on Earth and that our Bali get better soon. Thank you Made (mean second born) Bagari God bless

Copyright ©2000 Project Hessdalen. Ansvarlig webmaster : Erling Strand.
Alle henvendelser om denne tjenesten rettes til Webmaster
Sist oppdatert 28 July 2004 12:20:34.
