
As a non-profit organization - all donations will go to the project. We need to buy equipment to be able to collect data and we need to pay for the hosting of this website.

As a private person

Donate because:
  • You want to support the project
Use the "Donate" label at the bottom left corner. It will suggest an amount - but you you are free to choose any amount you want.
Or go to :
NOTE: Ko-fi take 0% of donations!
 Prefer to pay directly into the bank account?
Here is the information you need:
Our Norwegian bank is Sparebanken 1 SMN
Account number: 4213.01.67904
IBAN: NO 4642130167904
Also: Consider a membership because:
  • You want to support the project
    every month (we need it!)
  • You want a mobile notification when we have a sighting (not ready - but we can make this happen if we get a number of members)
  • You want access to more information in Discord
Building a UFO (Midjourney)