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of the 7th Biennial European SSE Meeting

The 7th Biennial European Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration was held in the small town Røros Norway, on August 17-19, 2007. All participants got the proceedings at the meeting. There are some proceedings left.

If you want to get the proceedings, do this:

  1. Write an e-mail to [email protected] and ask if there are any proceedings available. Please write Proceedings in the subject field. You will get an answer back on your request. Remember to write the address where you want the proceedings to be sent

  2. If you get a positive confirmation, then I have one proceedings reserved on your name.

  3. Then you pay (NOK) 300 to the European SSE account:
    Account name: SSE
    Account Address: Erling Strand, Bukkholmveien, NO-1747 Skjeberg, Norway
    Account no.: 0539.50.47282
    Bank: Postbanken, 0021 Oslo, Norway
    A/C for international payments:
    IBAN: NO23 0539 5047 282
    IBAN: NO2305395047282

  4. When the money is on account, the proceedings will be sent to your address.

The fee of NOK 300 include the postage, which is big part this fee. The proceedings is heavy: 274 A4-pages and a CD.

NOK 300 is approx 60 US dollar or 40 Euro.

All positive outcome of this goes directly to support the SSE work in Europe. Please use the opportunity to help SSE work in Europe.

The content
The authorThe titlePage
Paul Devereux A historical case of Earth Lights 1
Auguste Meessen From UFO Properties to UFO Propulsion2
Dave Akers The Toppenish Field Study: A Technical Review and Update4
Erling Strand Project Hessdalen, the history and data23
Bj�rn-Gitle Hauge Optical spectrum analysis of the Hessdalen phenomenon31
Stein Johansen Judging and Explaining Extraordinary Phenomena and the Global Science Ecology from Superior Natural Science and a Syntropic Anthropology of Science43
Massimo Silverstri, Giorgio Abraini, Renzo Cabassi and Nico Conti Smart Optical Sensors Observatory93
Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos and Ole Jonny Brenne Norway in UFO Photograph, the first catalogue102
Antonella Vannini Advanced Waves, Retrocausality and Consciousness125
Ulisse Di Corpo The conflict between entropy and syntropy: the vital needs model132
Patrico Parente Experience and legitimacy of UFO accounts in Argentina Popular and scientific narratives from an anthropo-epistemic point of view139
Antonio Giuditta Mechanism of biological evolution147
Stefano Siccardi Instrumental Investigation of OBE (Out of Body Experiences)151
Michal Teplan EEG analysis for application of mind machines, relaxation, and meditation. Some thoughts on anomalous research 160
Paul Devereux Mindscapes171
Emilios Bouratinos Truth, reality and objectification172
Wolfgang Helfrich Is the psychokinetic effect as found with binary random number generators suitable to account for mind-brain interaction?183
Bob Jahn and Brenda Dunne PEAR: Past, Present, and Projected184
Richard A. Blasband Experimental Evidence for the Existence of an �Energetic� Component in Healing.185
Erlendur Haraldsson Cases of the Reincarnation Type199
Jens Tellefsen Dowsing along the PSI Track209
Yolene Thomas The physical nature of the biological signal, a puzzling phenomenon:the critical role of Jacques Benveniste.213
Matti Pitk�nen TGD Inspired Theory of Consciousness218
Roger Taylor Ormus: a possible new state of Matter, with Promise for Agriculture, Health and the Environment.237
Alexander V. Trofimov Results and perspectives of studies of solar-biospheric connections in the periods of solar eclipse247
Dimitri Olenice A confirmation of the Allais and Jeverdan-Rusu-Antonescu effects during the solar eclipse from 22 September 2006 , and the quantization of behavior of pendulum249

More info about each topic in the proceedings can be found in the program
Some info about the authors can be found at the author page

E-mail: Erling P. [email protected]
Last update: 28 February 2008