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Date: Wed Aug 24 08:56:00 CEST 2005
Name: Herr. Oddvar Eriksen. (The Fharaos.) at

Subject: Rein�sutvalget Norges st�rste bl�ff ved hjelp av

Statsminister Bondevik og Utenriksminister Jan Petersen og Helseminister Gabrielsen ! Hva gj�r at vi i Norge har Verdens st�rste bl�ffmakere innen politikken, selv Jens Stoltenberg glir inn i dette systemet som og bl�ffe seg frem ! tenk seg til; Hele verden var ber�rt av denne katastrofen, alle utenom Norges politikkere p� Regjering og Storting og UD. R�de Kors ledere i Norge og FN. ved Jan Egeland, kjent fra Norsk UD. under Gro Harlem Brundtland var De eneste som m�tte bl�ffe seg FRI fra skyld og attp�til f� Jan Rein�s og Utvalgets folk til og bl�ffe for Dem selv, for og bli troverdig ! S� istedet for og sette igang Prosjektet varsling f�r Jordskjelv og Tsunami kom denne morgen 26. 12 - 2004. og varsle alle som skulle til Asia denne Jultid, alle som bodde i Asia denne juletid, bl�ffet De seg vekk fra alt via Rein�s-utvalget, finnes det ikke lover mot slikt i Norge, eller er disse politikkere Fritatt for Drap og vold mot andre nasjoner og sitt eget folk?, Jeg bare sp�r ?

Date: Tue Aug 23 09:39:53 CEST 2005
Name: Mr. Oddvar Eriksen. (The Fharaos.) at

Subject: The election of the politic- people, why bother ?

Dear people of Norway! let UFO be UFO just for a short term now and listen of a more strange thing among our self ! You all remember the Asia- Catastrofic that was on the 26.12 - 2004. over 300 000 died and among this 84 norwegian people, and the bad thing is that this always create over half of the dead are CHILDREN, and this I hate the most ! But the worst of it all was that the Justic- Minister Einar D�rum was told over 7 month before of this camming in a Red Cross meeting and Promiss to start warning prosess early, but He forgot and together with Prime Minister Bondevik and Foriegn Minister Jan Petersen and Leader of the Pack in Red Cross in Norway Generaldirector Jonas Gahr St�re, even the King of Norway, REX. King Harald V get the faximilian from me over 2 month before the 26. 12 - 2004.- that told Him and the dublicat to the Prime Minister bondevik and Foriegn minister, the Government and the Ministery of Norway, the UN in New York, USA. and the Foreign office in Norway get the warning of the Tsunami and The Earthquakes, even the on the 28.03 - 2005. Indonesia, and they do nothing about it! Then The Rein�s-Commission's that use over 3 month on this project to see what the Government and the Ministry had done wrong, Mr. Rein�s and' the Commission did the terrible wrongness and Fake the evaluate of the tsunami disaster in South Asia, they was payed to lie and bear false vitness, they was payed to lie of all the death of all this innocent people and Children in Asia and Afrika. Can You as a Norwegian citysent and living person in Norway realy go and wote on a election that is the priest and Prime Minister and one of Norway's worst lier in the universe like Gro Harlem Brundtland and all Govenment people in Norway and Ministry of Norway, even the Red Cross of Norway, even the UN. people of Norway are big Killers, they are passive Killers, what s the worst, I simply ask You, can we go woting on people that don't care at all of the worlds tragedies world wide ? I ask YOu ? They have still not done anything at all around My warningsystem that was set out over 1 years before the tragedie and Catastrofic, nothing was done, even the News in Norway think this was stupidity and nonsens, so what has became of the world we live in, I only ask ?

Date: Tue Aug 23 09:37:50 CEST 2005
Name: Mr. Oddvar Eriksen. (The Fharaos.) at

Subject: The election of the politic- people, why bother ?

Dear people of Norway! let UFO be UFO just for a short term now and listen of a more strange thing among our self ! You all remember the Asia- Catastrofic that was on the 26.12 - 2004. over 300 000 died and among this 84 norwegian people, and the bad thing is that this always create over half of the dead are CHILDREN, and this I hate the most ! But the worst of it all was that the Justic- Minister Einar D�rum was told over 7 month before of this camming in a Red Cross meeting and Promiss to start warning prosess early, but He forgot and together with Prime Minister Bondevik and Foriegn Minister Jan Petersen and Leader of the Pack in Red Cross in Norway Generaldirector Jonas Gahr St�re, even the King of Norway, REX. King Harald V get the faximilian from me over 2 month before the 26. 12 - 2004.- that told Him and the dublicat to the Prime Minister bondevik and Foriegn minister, the Government and the Ministery of Norway, the UN in New York, USA. and the Foreign office in Norway get the warning of the Tsunami and The Earthquakes, even the on the 28.03 - 2005. Indonesia, and they do nothing about it! Then The Rein�s-Commission's that use over 3 month on this project to see what the Government and the Ministry had done wrong, Mr. Rein�s and' the Commission did the terrible wrongness and Fake the evaluate of the tsunami disaster in South Asia, they was payed to lie and bear false vitness, they was payed to lie of all the death of all this innocent people and Children in Asia and Afrika. Can You as a Norwegian citysent and living person in Norway realy go and wote on a election that is the priest and Prime Minister and one of Norway's worst lier in the universe like Gro Harlem Brundtland and all Govenment people in Norway and Ministry of Norway, even the Red Cross of Norway, even the UN. people of Norway are big Killers, they are passive Killers, what s the worst, I simply ask You, can we go woting on people that don't care at all of the worlds tragedies world wide ? I ask YOu ? They have still not done anything at all around My warningsystem that was set out over 1 years before the tragedie and Catastrofic, nothing was done, even the News in Norway think this was stupidity and nonsens, so what has became of the world we live in, I only ask ?

Date: Tue Aug 23 09:34:27 CEST 2005
Name: Mr. Oddvar Eriksen. (The Fharaos.) at

Subject: The election of the politic- people, why bother ?

Dear people of Norway! let UFO be UFO just for a short term now and listen of a more strange thing among our self ! You all remember the Asia- Catastrofic that was on the 26.12 - 2004. over 300 000 died and among this 84 norwegian people, and the bad thing is that this always create over half of the dead are CHILDREN, and this I hate the most ! But the worst of it all was that the Justic- Minister Einar D�rum was told over 7 month before of this camming in a Red Cross meeting and Promiss to start warning prosess early, but He forgot and together with Prime Minister Bondevik and Foriegn Minister Jan Petersen and Leader of the Pack in Red Cross in Norway Generaldirector Jonas Gahr St�re, even the King of Norway, REX. King Harald V get the faximilian from me over 2 month before the 26. 12 - 2004.- that told Him and the dublicat to the Prime Minister bondevik and Foriegn minister, the Government and the Ministery of Norway, the UN in New York, USA. and the Foreign office in Norway get the warning of the Tsunami and The Earthquakes, even the on the 28.03 - 2005. Indonesia, and they do nothing about it! Then The Rein�s-Commission's that use over 3 month on this project to see what the Government and the Ministry had done wrong, Mr. Rein�s and' the Commission did the terrible wrongness and Fake the evaluate of the tsunami disaster in South Asia, they was payed to lie and bear false vitness, they was payed to lie of all the death of all this innocent people and Children in Asia and Afrika. Can You as a Norwegian citysent and living person in Norway realy go and wote on a election that is the priest and Prime Minister and one of Norway's worst lier in the universe like Gro Harlem Brundtland and all Govenment people in Norway and Ministry of Norway, even the Red Cross of Norway, even the UN. people of Norway are big Killers, they are passive Killers, what s the worst, I simply ask You, can we go woting on people that don't care at all of the worlds tragedies world wide ? I ask YOu ? They have still not done anything at all around My warningsystem that was set out over 1 years before the tragedie and Catastrofic, nothing was done, even the News in Norway think this was stupidity and nonsens, so what has became of the world we live in, I only ask ?

Date: Tue Aug 23 09:30:54 CEST 2005
Name: Mr. Oddvar Eriksen. (The Fharaos.) at

Subject: The election of the politic- people, why bother ?

Dear people of Norway! let UFO be UFO just for a short term now and listen of a more strange thing among our self ! You all remember the Asia- Catastrofic that was on the 26.12 - 2004. over 300 000 died and among this 84 norwegian people, and the bad thing is that this always create over half of the dead are CHILDREN, and this I hate the most ! But the worst of it all was that the Justic- Minister Einar D�rum was told over 7 month before of this camming in a Red Cross meeting and Promiss to start warning prosess early, but He forgot and together with Prime Minister Bondevik and Foriegn Minister Jan Petersen and Leader of the Pack in Red Cross in Norway Generaldirector Jonas Gahr St�re, even the King of Norway, REX. King Harald V get the faximilian from me over 2 month before the 26. 12 - 2004.- that told Him and the dublicat to the Prime Minister bondevik and Foriegn minister, the Government and the Ministery of Norway, the UN in New York, USA. and the Foreign office in Norway get the warning of the Tsunami and The Earthquakes, even the on the 28.03 - 2005. Indonesia, and they do nothing about it! Then The Rein�s-Commission's that use over 3 month on this project to see what the Government and the Ministry had done wrong, Mr. Rein�s and' the Commission did the terrible wrongness and Fake the evaluate of the tsunami disaster in South Asia, they was payed to lie and bear false vitness, they was payed to lie of all the death of all this innocent people and Children in Asia and Afrika. Can You as a Norwegian citysent and living person in Norway realy go and wote on a election that is the priest and Prime Minister and one of Norway's worst lier in the universe like Gro Harlem Brundtland and all Govenment people in Norway and Ministry of Norway, even the Red Cross of Norway, even the UN. people of Norway are big Killers, they are passive Killers, what s the worst, I simply ask You, can we go woting on people that don't care at all of the worlds tragedies world wide ? I ask YOu ? They have still not done anything at all around My warningsystem that was set out over 1 years before the tragedie and Catastrofic, nothing was done, even the News in Norway think this was stupidity and nonsens, so what has became of the world we live in, I only ask ?

Date: Tue Aug 23 09:29:15 CEST 2005
Name: Mr. Oddvar Eriksen. (The Fharaos.) at

Subject: The election of the politic- people, why bother ?

Dear people of Norway! let UFO be UFO just for a short term now and listen of a more strange thing among our self ! You all remember the Asia- Catastrofic that was on the 26.12 - 2004. over 300 000 died and among this 84 norwegian people, and the bad thing is that this always create over half of the dead are CHILDREN, and this I hate the most ! But the worst of it all was that the Justic- Minister Einar D�rum was told over 7 month before of this camming in a Red Cross meeting and Promiss to start warning prosess early, but He forgot and together with Prime Minister Bondevik and Foriegn Minister Jan Petersen and Leader of the Pack in Red Cross in Norway Generaldirector Jonas Gahr St�re, even the King of Norway, REX. King Harald V get the faximilian from me over 2 month before the 26. 12 - 2004.- that told Him and the dublicat to the Prime Minister bondevik and Foriegn minister, the Government and the Ministery of Norway, the UN in New York, USA. and the Foreign office in Norway get the warning of the Tsunami and The Earthquakes, even the on the 28.03 - 2005. Indonesia, and they do nothing about it! Then The Rein�s-Commission's that use over 3 month on this project to see what the Government and the Ministry had done wrong, Mr. Rein�s and' the Commission did the terrible wrongness and Fake the evaluate of the tsunami disaster in South Asia, they was payed to lie and bear false vitness, they was payed to lie of all the death of all this innocent people and Children in Asia and Afrika. Can You as a Norwegian citysent and living person in Norway realy go and wote on a election that is the priest and Prime Minister and one of Norway's worst lier in the universe like Gro Harlem Brundtland and all Govenment people in Norway and Ministry of Norway, even the Red Cross of Norway, even the UN. people of Norway are big Killers, they are passive Killers, what s the worst, I simply ask You, can we go woting on people that don't care at all of the worlds tragedies world wide ? I ask YOu ? They have still not done anything at all around My warningsystem that was set out over 1 years before the tragedie and Catastrofic, nothing was done, even the News in Norway think this was stupidity and nonsens, so what has became of the world we live in, I only ask ?

Date: Sat Aug 20 09:22:44 CEST 2005
Name: Herr. Oddvar Eriksen (The Fharaos .) at

Subject: Til nordlending og Anonym,vil ikke si det.

Jeg vil f�rst begynne med at jeg var opp gjennom Hessedalen natten til den 16 Aug. 2005. ingen UFO for klart v�r, ingen aktivitet ! S� vil jeg si meg enig med "nordlending" 14.Aug om meldinger 2004 fra Klodrikk og Donald, dette er helt forkaslig ! Og til "Anonym, vil ikke si det".,- vil jeg si s�k opp det som Du er interresert i p� nettet og det bare "popper" opp, og ikke nok med det, vi har i Danmark et magasin som heter eller het "Det Ukjente", det kom ogs� ut i Norge en tid, et brukbart magasin som tok opp et vidt spekter av det Du nevner, eller hvis Du er p� let etter noe veldig spesielt s� kan jeg tilrettelegge deg til en mengde andre, sp�rs hva du s�ker i det Ukjente? Ang�ende skoler s� er Universitetet eller Blinder' i Oslo vedr�rende Astronomi, matematikk og Astrologisk muligheter er ogs� til Norsk Romsenter, ved Rolf Sk�r p� Sj�lyst utenfor Oslo tlf. 22 51 18 00 og be om rettningslinjer innen faget, men Astronomer holder seg bare til Astrologi og IKKE UFO, dette er banelyst, hvis man har dette ogs� som interesse, s� N�VNER man man ikke dette evnet i det hele tatt! Men hvis du skulle ha interesse s� bare sp�r ivei ? Mystikkologi er et fag, men ikke ordin�re fag s�danne, dette er i spesielle former og p� en m�te FRiskole pedagogikk, men hvorfor ikke starte en ?

Date: Tue Aug 16 08:38:31 CEST 2005
Name: Erling Strand ([email protected]) at

Subject: ny test

Just a new test

Date: Mon Aug 15 14:23:32 CEST 2005
Name: test ([email protected]) at

Subject: Testing...


Date: Mon Aug 15 14:21:02 CEST 2005
Name: test ([email protected]) at

Subject: Testing...


Date: Mon Aug 15 14:17:42 CEST 2005
Name: test ([email protected]) at

Subject: Testing...


Date: Mon Aug 15 14:11:20 CEST 2005
Name: test ([email protected]) at

Subject: Testing...

Bare en test til...

Date: Sun Aug 14 14:27:38 CEST 2005
Name: anonym (vil ikke si det) at

Subject: ufo og annet

er det noen som vet om noen sider for andre mystiske ting enn ufoer?? nettsider alts�.. S� kan dere sende det inn her og merke emnet med: mystiske nettsider. V�r s� snill og send inn!! Jeg er veldig interessert i ufoer og s�nn. Mystiske ting og tang... Men det hadde v�rt mye bedre om det var noen svar og f� p� de sp�rsm�lene vi har sendt inn. Please gj�r det fremover!! Jeg har et sp�rsm�l: hvis noen vet det, s� kan dere sende det i samme som jeg sa ovenfor;: Hvilken linje m� man g� for � bli astronom?? Hvilke fag?? Hvor i norge? oG noen til: Holder astronomer p� med stjerner og ufoer?? Er det noe som heter mystikkolog som vi kann utdannes som?? Takk p� forh�nd for hjelp av svar. Send in ganske fort. Hadet.

Date: Sun Aug 14 14:20:30 CEST 2005
Name: nordlending () at

Subject: tull og t�ys

eg syns ikkje det e n�kka arti n�r f�lk skal skrive inn tullmeldinga slik som i 2004, da klodrik og donald sendte inn mange meldinga og �dela det intressange p� sia. Flere s�mm er enig??

Date: Sun Aug 14 02:01:47 CEST 2005
Name: Joachim ([email protected]) at

Subject: film

jeg for ikke til � se eller laste ned filmene....har qucktime og alle dissa film viserene...

Date: Fri Aug 12 15:00:24 CEST 2005
Name: test ([email protected]) at

Subject: Test...

test twest test

Date: Tue Aug 9 16:16:08 CEST 2005
Name: Hessdalen test ([email protected]) at

Subject: Test

Bare en testmelding...

Date: Tue Aug 9 15:14:41 CEST 2005
Name: Hessdalen test ([email protected]) at

Subject: Testmelding

Testmelding i forbindelse med flytting av server....

Date: Wed Aug 3 13:54:03 CEST 2005
Name: Herr. Oddvar Eriksen (The Fharaos.) at

Subject: Noe har dukket opp, ses ikke f�r neste uke !

Beklager, f�rsten av neste uke kommer jeg oppover til Hessedalen.

Date: Wed Aug 3 13:49:38 CEST 2005
Name: Mr. Oddvar Eriksen (The Fharaos.) at

Subject: Nobody can be hiding from evil !

I think You are very shortminded pointed in The Matter "The Bible", this book is just a short story of the hole system, even the BOOK, Bible are without the life Jesus Christ when He was a little boy, when He suddely get to know His pover that lays in His hand and mind, there are many very good storys that are been taken away from the Bible, insted of get the Hole story fully told out to Mankind ! Not only the Australia, but the hole worlds fanatic system have destroy and turn the issue totality around ! You talk only about the Australia, I talk about the Hole world, and there are many Dark people around even in the, and what Heaven are You talk about, what Intelligence Stats Baptism, we have so many, what is the reason, The man maid Church is not good, Why is the Devils and Demons always around the Pope and His Church, the nessesarry, why get we out of the "Holy Blood and Holy Grail" "The DA VINCI-Kode", The Holy SARA that was the Daughter of LORD JESUS and Maria Magdalena, where are this Issue ? The many Saint's in Madonnas through the Years, why diden't we see them before Jesus was born, why only after, and why is it that, this people that saw the Madonnas always die after some years Youg and Innocent, but where the source was located the healing was good ?

Date: Wed Aug 3 11:13:42 CEST 2005
Name: SIGNALS ([email protected]) at

Subject: SIGNALS File S77.

SIGNALS File S77...Revelation 11.8,Signet,Lord Jesus... the City stated Brisbane in accordance the smear campaign via state assistance against Shane Jamieson for X Type sighting over 17 years ago at Hobdells,Yarraman,Qld,Australia,in accordance Shane Jamieson second man from Heaven...born under false name in Whangarei N.Z 11.12.68,Hidden from evil as in accordance fact in accordance revelation Lord Jesus.

Date: Wed Aug 3 09:17:13 CEST 2005
Name: SIGNALS ([email protected]) at

Subject: Mr Oddvar Eriksen

SIGNALS It is Director Austin SIGNALS,Mr Austin either. DS SIGNALS. SIGNALS

Date: Wed Aug 3 09:13:57 CEST 2005
Name: SIGNALS ([email protected]) at

Subject: SIGNALS

SIGNALS,error RE Love Heart...SIGNALS Tradition to use,not ues. I need SIGNALS ENQUIRIES,Section in accordance example secretary in accordance transmissions... SIGNALS... In accordance if SIGNALS Grant enquiries are ever paid in accordance as sent to governments,example grant enquirie to be first to film crop circles being formed in Southern England in accordance enquirie sent... Check special features on movie crop circles,Miltary Helicopters with SIGNALS classification GB type UFO,stated as GB Type via SIGNALS.

Date: Wed Aug 3 08:55:35 CEST 2005
Name: SIGNALS ([email protected]) at

Subject: SIGNALS File S77.

SIGNALS File S77...Events with Shane Alan Jamieson are significant in accordance first intervention against mankind via Heaven in over 2000 years on Earth in accordance...Heaven Intelligence operation in accordance intervention...and in accordance is reconnaissance of Earth in accordance infiltration aspects via the second man from Heaven in accordance pre invasion aspects in accordance crimes against SJ in accordance,advise SJ is a serious individual in accordance His Majestys Secret Service equal in accordance Heaven,in accordance Imperial aspects of Heaven on Earth,in accordance it is for Reign in accordance the second coming of accordance reign on Earth in accordance the 1000 Year Reign of Christ... Significant in accordance reconnaissance aspects of mankind in accordance concerns,conflicts,intelligence gain in accordance.

Date: Wed Aug 3 08:02:41 CEST 2005
Name: SIGNALS ([email protected]) at

Subject: SIGNALS

SIGNALS... The Love Heart incident... in accordance it is now a SIGNALS tradition to ues love hearts in any celebration in accordance staff at SIGNALS except Christmas then Christmas tradition in accordance... SIGNALS Articles. File S77...Intelligence states baptism...must be full submersion of individual in water,failure specifications stated in bible is Hell for individual in death without mercy like anyone that has not been baptized including example Church of England,Catholics any Church not using full baptism... of individuals. File S77...You do not think Australians have changed the bible over 2000 years of Christian truth via a smear campaign against Shane do not think do you that Police have any authorization in the afterlife,after a sting operation against mankind in accordance Intelligence operation via Heaven in accordance the second man from Heaven...Shane Jamieson and Police conspiracy against him and his children... conspiracy stated is alined to UFO sighting to ensure Shane Jamieson is never believed via mankind in accordance sighting in accordance SIGNALS File X.

Date: Wed Aug 3 07:42:52 CEST 2005
Name: SIGNALS ([email protected]) at

Subject: Mr Oddvar Eriksen

SIGNALS File X is name of file in accordance SIGNALS Investigation UFO Sighting Yarraman,Qld,Australia. SIGNALS ETS investigation... S77 is name of file ETS investigation bible aspects UFOS-ETS,applied to modern life in accordance intelligence gained via investigation. SIGNALS

Date: Tue Aug 2 09:40:16 CEST 2005
Name: Mr. Oddvar Eriksen. (The Fharaos.) at

Subject: Stormreaper, "Sign",- "Ring in the fiels", - Me ?

Hello again, "SIGNALS" ! The StormReaper or that we call in Norway, The Storm-skurmann, Meiemaskin ! Then You take in the Majestic-12. "MJ-12" the UFO-ETS, The ANZUS, but there are no File X. it is The X-Files Stablich from the 1947, Rosswell ! Have You seen them ? Have You been dovn in the Basement of The Pentagon and look over the X-FILES according the real avents in the closing system of the many groups that have deal with this. 10 different goups that have try to clear out the Issue of X-FILES Systems that was set to let FBI and the CIA have a group of 10 people during the time from 1947 up to now, still working, but again silence,and the masteres are the "DARK Group", from the Capitol Hill, this people that still work on "under cover" - "non face"- best payed in USA, world wide conection and deals the undercovered bacesystem though the hole USA ! But still They know nothing up to My Knowledge in this hole matter world wide ! UFO-USO and IFO and ISO The real effect and dealers! Have a Nice day, SIGNALS !

Date: Tue Aug 2 04:49:23 CEST 2005
Name: SIGNALS ([email protected]) at

Subject: Mr Oddvar Eriksen


Date: Tue Aug 2 03:57:17 CEST 2005
Name: SIGNALS ([email protected]) at

Subject: SIGNALS

SIGNALS Error last transmission error...Secret operation. File X.

Date: Tue Aug 2 03:53:16 CEST 2005
Name: SIGNALS ([email protected]) at

Subject: File X.

SIGNALS File X,X Type sighted via Government via model operation looking glass,hence military helicopter next day after X Type sighting Yarraman,looking glass is 24/7 aircraft surveillance in accordance readyness Nuclear War via America.secret operation in accordance International looking for UFOS if not looking glass as front for operations,ANZUS. Intelligence further states mankind knows truth of UFOS-ETS in accordance X Type sighting Intelligence states common knowledge kept secret in mankind via Government assisted smear campaign against Shane Alan Jamieson in accordance SJ Special Jurisdiction documents equal MJ12... There is accordance start living with the truth in accordance UFOS-ETS the only area you do not know is what was seen,except for what you have been told in accordance smear campaign. SIGNALS.

Date: Mon Aug 1 08:23:30 CEST 2005
Name: Herr. Oddvar Eriksen (The Fharaos) at

Subject: Kommer til Hessedalen denne uken, Fharaos.

Date: Sat Jul 30 12:23:21 CEST 2005
Name: Yusuf Tokgoz ([email protected]) at

Subject: Turkish Properties for sale

Nice web site, you can also check [url][/url] for turkish properties abroad for sale in Fethiye, property in turkey by Apple Estates TURKEY

Date: Fri Jul 29 00:51:34 CEST 2005
Name: Sherri ([email protected]) at

Subject: Date: Sun Jul 1 21:55:03 CEST 2001

Date: Sun Jul 1 21:55:03 CEST 2001 Name: SIR JAMES ANTHONY, S.O.N.A. ([email protected]) at Subject: "TIMELESS TRAVEL SUPERLADY" This posting from this man is FALSE. James, Sorry if you are reading this as I am sure your story is one of your many timeless tales... His daughter is NOT a SUPER MODEL... But a SUPER Mom! in California! His daughter is searching for him... I am her best friend trying to help her find her Father(the author of this story).. We found her older sister (same mom but not the same dad)and hope to find more living family... If anyone knows how to reach James Anthony please contact me via e-mail at [email protected].. His Daughter Jennifer McAfee(Blaine/Anthony?) is looking for him... James if you are reading this please contact me I know where your daughter is......... P.S. Jennifer spent many years in Foster care NOT Argentina.. We are desperately searching and any help would be wonderful... Sincerely, Sherri (Jen's friend) e-mail me at [email protected]

Date: Wed Jul 27 13:16:31 CEST 2005
Name: Mr. Oddvar Eriksen. (The Fharaos.) at

Subject: Dear Mrs/ Miss. JANE Amah don't do this nonsens

Pleace Mrs./ Miss. Jane Amah ! Don't do this thing, I know You are trying to get in to other acount, You have been very bad ! There have been so very meny of this letter's Though the years, and mostly all know of them, perhaps not all so, pleace people don't let Her in to Your Money- acount, but I should hope all know about this letters now. So pleace Jane Amah, get lost !

Date: Wed Jul 27 13:11:11 CEST 2005
Name: Mr. Oddvar Eriksen. (The Fharaos.) at

Subject: Mr. SIGNALS.S77. what is this nonsens ?

what are you talkin about Mr. SIGNALS.S77. there are no what ever You talk about, write about, the Issue, What is it !

Date: Tue Jul 26 00:19:35 CEST 2005
Name: Mrs Jane Amah ([email protected]) at

Subject: From Jane Amah

From Jane Amah Email contact [email protected] Dearest One. In matter of fact I became interested to confide in you when I went through your profile in ivory coast chamber of commerce and believe that you will treat this proposal as urgent and very confidential. I am Mrs Jane Amah the wife to Dr Paul Amah the former Director Of gold and diamond of Sierra leone, who was assasinated by the rebel loyal to Foday Sankoh the (R U F) leader; I managed to escape my with the sum of $11.5 MILLION dollars concealed in a metallic trunk box belonging to my late husband, This money I discovered in my husband's underground room while searching for our belonging in readiness to flee my country for safety. After his assasination my Husband's friend who operates a fishing trawler along the west africacoastal line assisted us in moving this box to Abidjan Cote d Ivoire where I am presently residing as a refugee with my son. This money I deposited with a private security and trust company here under special arrangement as family treasure ; The security company does not know the real content of the box for security reson ; All the neccessary deposit documents issued to me are Available and can be sent to you on request. So all am asking from you is to assist me by coming over to Abidjan Cote d' Ivoire, and help me to claim this money from the security company and into a domiciliary account in your name, here you will open with any of the international bank for onward transfer to your account in your country for a profitable business investment. As a refugee here I cannot open an account with my name or my son name. Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks and God be with you. Mrs Jane Amah.

Date: Mon Jul 25 08:44:56 CEST 2005
Name: SIGNALS.S77 ([email protected]) at

Subject: SIGNALS

SIGNALS S77 File Bible sightings... Matthew 17.5-6... SIGNALS ETS Investigation. DS Lee Austin. SIGNALS,secular organization ETS Investigation. SIGNALS

Date: Mon Jul 25 08:39:19 CEST 2005
Name: SIGNALS ([email protected]) at

Subject: SIGNALS

SIGNALS X Type sighting,Yarraman,Qld,Australia over 17 years ago related to Magic Kingdom FNQ murder of Americans in movie Open Water,name Daniel Kintner,Susan Watkins,stated as murder of NOC Agents via another Intelligence Agency,wisdom and understanding used to find and eliminate foreign agents,top of X Type UFO multi colored change patterns,advise X Types sit on Ocean floor in and around GBReef in accordance use of coral via design as camo for craft in accordance reef areas. SIGNALS

Date: Mon Jul 25 08:33:02 CEST 2005
Name: SIGNALS ([email protected]) at

Subject: X TYPE


Date: Wed Jul 20 18:33:19 CEST 2005
Name: Mr. Oddvar Eriksen. (The Fharaos.) at

Subject: The different typs of visitors and the Issue of

Do You know that the different specification speciment up to now is the, Grey, Amagedon-type! Under the Vietnam war was this type only call the Grey Rabbit! The the Beloose-type this is located mostly under water, but sometime only to get food, from only one flower, I call this the Bermuda-type, too. Then we have the Comero-type, the spesial type that You never want to meet, after dark and when it's hungry ! Then the Dellisco- type, the 3 meter high type frendly and helpsome, some time it's to very helpfull, and sometime they fall in love with the Human woman, like the woman that like the man and get new types children, that we now know as the Global Masters and Friends in the Sky ! The Emgelico- types that I told You is the types that goes thrue the Hole Bible system, also when the Yisrael walk the dessert after living Egypt and The Pharao, When Moses goes in front and open the sea, and they pass over, and they walk the Dessert for 41 years togehter with the Emgelico- type where the Leader give the 10 Commandment on the two stone-plates ! Fexy-types is the underground people. The types that has been living among us Human race since 400 years back, when they have so many Good-memory-name, because we know that they live in mountain ! The system that they have been here about 20 000 years, and we can meet them in about 20 places around the Globe, if You want to meet them, that is ! Then we have the Gemercy-type, they are the totaly alike us Human, We buried one in South- America back in 1973, and we call Him , only Carl ! You diddent know this eighter ! and then we have the place Aria 51. USA. and the Aria 51 in the Russia area. This are reality, the Russian call their Flying sauser; "THE Tarielka", they visite us in Oslo in 1980 with it and a boy took the picture that I still have, so their "Tarielka" is not a secret any more,sorry Russia ! Here w have the Human made Sausers that are build by help by the Humanoide Gemercy- type both in Russia and in USA, and the USA type are the triangle types with the 5 light under, passing in the 20 Mack speed, this was finish before the Stealth Bomber, so have You seen them, tell me about it!

Date: Wed Jul 20 18:33:06 CEST 2005
Name: Mr. Oddvar Eriksen. () at

Subject: The different typs of visitors and the Issue of

Do You know that the different specification speciment up to now is the, Grey, Amagedon-type! Under the Vietnam war was this type only call the Grey Rabbit! The the Beloose-type this is located mostly under water, but sometime only to get food, from only one flower, I call this the Bermuda-type, too. Then we have the Comero-type, the spesial type that You never want to meet, after dark and when it's hungry ! Then the Dellisco- type, the 3 meter high type frendly and helpsome, some time it's to very helpfull, and sometime they fall in love with the Human woman, like the woman that like the man and get new types children, that we now know as the Global Masters and Friends in the Sky ! The Emgelico- types that I told You is the types that goes thrue the Hole Bible system, also when the Yisrael walk the dessert after living Egypt and The Pharao, When Moses goes in front and open the sea, and they pass over, and they walk the Dessert for 41 years togehter with the Emgelico- type where the Leader give the 10 Commandment on the two stone-plates ! Fexy-types is the underground people. The types that has been living among us Human race since 400 years back, when they have so many Good-memory-name, because we know that they live in mountain ! The system that they have been here about 20 000 years, and we can meet them in about 20 places around the Globe, if You want to meet them, that is ! Then we have the Gemercy-type, they are the totaly alike us Human, We buried one in South- America back in 1973, and we call Him , only Carl ! You diddent know this eighter ! and then we have the place Aria 51. USA. and the Aria 51 in the Russia area. This are reality, the Russian call their Flying sauser; "THE Tarielka", they visite us in Oslo in 1980 with it and a boy took the picture that I still have, so their "Tarielka" is not a secret any more,sorry Russia ! Here w have the Human made Sausers that are build by help by the Humanoide Gemercy- type both in Russia and in USA, and the USA type are the triangle types with the 5 light under, passing in the 20 Mack speed, this was finish before the Stealth Bomber, so have You seen them, tell me about it!

Date: Wed Jul 20 17:42:38 CEST 2005
Name: Mr. oddvar Eriksen (The Fharaos.) at

Subject: Why not get clear of all this Poker- partys and so

This is not good all this rubbich in playing, this has nothing to do with the Issue here, so why bother in this colum !

Date: Mon Jul 18 08:28:26 CEST 2005
Name: Mr. Oddvar Eriksen. (The Fharaos.) at

Subject: Mr. Henk and John Shelton, Not Quite correct !

Dear Mr. Henk.(anaisnin add antenna dot com.) Sorry, mr. Henk, it was not the "GREY" Aliens in the Nephelim of Genesis. 6: 1-4. This was The Emgelico-types, Aliens ! The Grey Aliens is the Amagedon-type, the travelers only in Night ! And we have the Beloose-type and the Comero-type and the Dellisco-type. The Gemercy-type and Fexy-type. The Bible type is the white longhear most like the Human race now, therefore they don't see the differency when they go on the earth among men! And I say to Mr. John Shelton, are You in Norway, contact me, We take the talk ! Have a nice day to all of You out there !

Date: Sun Jul 17 10:13:36 CEST 2005
Name: Victor ([email protected]) at

Subject: I found this site by accident, but I'm glad I did. I have been using the Internet for several years and so many sites are confusing, but not yours. Thanks for the chance to sign your guestbook. It's nice to see how many people stopped by and posted a message.

I found this site by accident, but I'm glad I did. I have been using the Internet for several years and so many sites are confusing, but not yours. Thanks for the chance to sign your guestbook. It's nice to see how many people stopped by and posted a message.

Date: Sat Jul 16 13:46:09 CEST 2005
Name: henk (anaisnin add antenna dot com) at

Subject: The grey aliens are the Nephelim of Genesis 6:1-4

The grey aliens are the nephelim of Genesis 6. Their leader is Azazel (leviticus 16). You will find a UFO abduction in the Bible in Joel 2:9. The "gray aliens (Nephelim)" are subject to the principle into which we are given a peep-hole look by the scripture that speaks of "which salvation, the angels desire to look into." They are the descendents of the pre-Adamic race which was the highest form of the dust from which Adam was formed. They are angels (messengers, literally) whose destiny it is to "be ministers (servants)to those who shall be heirs of salvation (transcendent wholeness derived from being partakers of the divine nature)." At present, and within the context of the general fallen condition of all creation, they--though bound to their destiny--have mixed emotions in regard to their ordination. One one hand, having some dim knowledge that the Adamic race possesses a providential election to headship over all of creation, they are aware that they must serve under the headship of that election and that as the elect go, so goes all creation, thus they have a vested interest in the advancement of Adamic humanness and are obsessively curious about what makes us tick and want to help us along toward our destiny. Maybe many of the quantum leaps in science and technology, etc. have their origin among them and they "send" (think messenger) info, incognito to us to help us make various breakthroughs. But, on the other hand, there is a natural envy and resentment toward us--like that of Ishmael toward Isaac, and Esau toward Jacob-- that is a factor in their interaction with us, seeing that God has a preferential relationship with Adamic man until God becomes all in all. Whatever might be the actual historical human condition on the earth and the kind of persons involved in respect to the biblical record of the intermingling of the sons of God with the daughters of men, there has to be a deeper symbolical meaning, without a doubt, having to do with an unholy union of spirit and soul, the counterfeit of that union accomplished in Christ. Certainly the Christian scene today graphically reflects that actuality. It's at the heart of spiritual Babylon the great---religious confusion born of mixture, but having great soulish power. It is, in a special way today, a highest priority within inner circles of discipleship, that such mixture be purged from our lives. I'm thinking how the principle that there are counterfeits of spiritual reality and divine purpose might apply here, e.g., "Be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth, and subdue (conquer) it." All earthenness must finally come to be dominated by pure, perfect love--that's of the essence of the administration of God--but the outworking of that in its full strength and glory requires an adverserial element. A powerful hybrid alien presence in the world might be the capstone of the futility to whi�h all creation has been subjected, while it anxiously awaits its deliverance from its bondage to decay. The sons of God, in the full liberty of their glory would certainly shine in the hour of such a crisis.

Date: Sat Jul 16 10:15:49 CEST 2005
Name: Anders ([email protected]) at

Subject: When?

When will the station be up and running again?

Date: Thu Jul 14 13:44:07 CEST 2005
Name: John Shelton ([email protected]) at

Subject: Various UFO / ET encounters

I am writing to you to disclose a number of unusual ET and UFO / RV experiences I have had over the course of my life. I have aglomorated a number of emails to fully explain the matter. Ive had some experiences in the Remote Viewing area but it has led to a lot of problems with the English authorities and I need some timely advice and help Ive also had a considerable number of personal ET events relating to my past. I was born on 26th December 1962 and have travelled widely in my childhood about western Europe as my father was in the British military. 1964- I was playing as a baby in a sandpit and was seen by others to secondarily dissappear and then reappear again 1966- I was sent to Oslo Norway and whilst on the Voyage there on the Fred-Olson cargo liner, Braemar we encountered a near terminal storm and the captain moved me and mum to his cabin and we arrived in port a bit battered but ok. My parents befriended the Saagen family, Olaf Saagen was a ships inspector, mainly inspecting hulls, and his son, Henrich was a Sergeant in the Norsk Forces when I last visited their longship house, in November 1987. During the 1960's we lived in Flyevane in Hoveseter, My parents were also friendly with a Mrs Turid from Hoveseter. a suburb of Oslo and my father was personal chef to General Darling at his private house on Kolssas. My worst experience was of seeing one of the twin spikes burnt out during what turned out to be its final voyage, my dad took me down to Oslo docks to see the aftermath and its image disturbs me still. I lost contact in the 1990's 1970- Whilst father was stationed in Whittington barracks, near Litchfield in Staffordshire I was reading a book late at night in my bedroom by sidelight when the closed doors handle creaked and in walked some dwarf like entities a bit like those in Whittley Striebers film "Communion" , they took me by the hand and led me downstairs towards the front house door, and there my memory ends. 1975- Whilst returning from holiday on the islands off the Dutch coast the sun set to one side of the car we were travelling in, after dark on the opposite side I saw a miassive red flattened disc flat side on which i watched for about 3 minutes, when i turned away from it and returned my gaze it had gone. 1977- I began to get a lot of precognition relating to events at school as well as dejavue experiences and several "out of body" experiences. ie floating above my family etherially and waving at them from the ceiling, knowing exactly which passage in which text book the english teacher would select for me to read and being there ready and waiting to read it! and then theres a gap to 2000 during which I had no experiences I can remember. December 2000, Whilst on standing at my front doorstep myself and sevaral witnesses saw several green orbs flying in and out of clouds above a nearby village. Summer 2003- I saw a brown cigar shaped object move at massive speed in front of our house, it had no wings or tailplane but left a contrail. 28th February 2004- Our collie cross dog had some kind of problem and attacked me badly resulting in me throwing a boot at it which cracked the wooden veneer on my bedroom door. That night i had many paranormal events. I heard scraping on my bedroom window and saw a green "holoistic" entity shaped like a snowman with two orbit in a bullet shaped head and an elipse above it like a mouth but pure black. I shone a torch at it and the light absorbed into it a bit like light on velvet. spring 2004 to present. I got several air spirits and entities appearing or trying to appear in my bedroom by "shimmering" the air which smelt like sulpher. they were varoius shapeds like ball heads, greys, T heads and V heads and one which was like a thick set T head with brown black and milky white stripes on it. I also began to remote view historical battles from English history and WW2 and had a vision of the pretorian guard saluting me and a wife in Rome. I focussed on several women i was interested in and was able to see "cepia" images of them and hear them in mundane circumstances, eg, walking a dog talking to a friend, but in one case a woman was being "had" badly by a guy which made me angry so I tried to materialise a icicle over his back, but it turned ino a lighting bolt and there the image ended. ive also focussed on the Isle De Paris and a pagoda as well as american submarines under water and a russian IRBM in a white missile casing on a mobile tracked transporter in some kind of tundra environment. I began to get images of cromagnon and neandethal skulls floating in space broadcasting to each other and saw an FT flying above my house at dawn and then had future images of circular space stations like some kind of cartwheel and ships in the galaxy shaped like a wood workers drill with a spinning circular mid section like a saucer, as well as a massive dished space probe passing jupiter. Ive had my legs thrown across my bed whilst awake and had a big electric shick to my "bits" materialise like a blue beam. and have seen a glowing white rod approach me in the dark, making a buzzing noise, ive also been lifted a few inches out of bed but when i come too i drop again. Im alerted to "their" presense" by a loud buzzing whistle in my ears its like an early warning system. The problem is my mother has found out about these events and the medical authorities are hostile to me, and ive had police harrassment despite a very clean record!!. ie no convictions at all. except a speeding ticket in 1987.! One previous event that strikes me as odd in all respects relates to Early March this year when I was relaxing in bed and noticed that the air in the room was taking on a sulphery type of smell which wasnt particularly pleasant so I opened the bedroom window one notch. I heard tapping on the window and pulled back the curtains to see 2 milky white ball headed rounded orbit entities on the path to the rear of the bungalow, one was looking at the window and the other had its backed partially turned to me and appeared to be scaping the green matter from the concrete path (bearing in mind the time of year you tend to get this growth on concrete when its not heavily trafficked). I closed the window and checked around the rest of the house for entrance ways viz a viz opened windows etc. I then went back to the bedroom and perched on the beds edge listening for movement around windows doors etc, and again noticed the atmosphere was sulphery, then as I lay back on the bed I saw in the mirror a grey like entity or apparition suddenly attempt to materialse next to the bed, I jerked out my arm and swiped the air where it was attempting to appear and it simply dissolved, 2 minutes later a strange T headed entity did the same thing and I had the same reaction, yet they appeared very 2 dimensional and had a kind of "raw" cut edge to them as if they were an imperfect cardboard cutout. This T headed thing was in colour and was brick red with milky white and black stripes all over and had 2 orbits towards the ends of its "head", this is the day when at dawn I witnessed an FT over the place which again appeared semi solid and was "suspended" in the lower portion of a large cloud, bearing in mind it was a gloomy dawn. The thing is, its almost as if these things were preprogrammed to apear at this time in the sense that I was "meant" to see them at that time. The ft was sort of "spraying" or marking cars on the road as they went by with a kind of "ray" like a water spout rather than the classic scifi ray device! It was "illuminating cars roof panels, but not all of them. Perhaps it is pertinent to fill you in with some background information about my family. My father had many episodes of sleepwalking whilst he was a child and well into his teenage years and would find himself awake in nearby fields and in garden sheds. He has also seen several LITS. My mother hasnt mentioned any events, but her maiden name is Bowler , whose ancient form translates as "devils reaper" (Baeler). My sister Karina, has a friend called Catherine (both names mean the same) and they often used to lay on her bed and try to materialise air spirits and ancestors. In terms of gene pool type we are an uneasy mix of old Derbyshire and saxon nordic Lincolnshire blood. One house we used to own was reputedly built from the remains of South Wingfield Manor which was bombarded and was temporarily used as a holding castle for Mary Queen of Scots before her transfer to the Tower of London in the South and several of my mothers family have died in the old house called, "Prospect house" Manor Road, South Wingfield, Derbyshire. when i lived there i had several instances of hearing creaks and footsteps on the stairs when the rest of the family had gone to bed, but never saw anything, although the stables behind Prospect House was used by the plotters in the Pentrich Revolution of 1817 to meet up in, as was the house itself. In March last year I looked out of my bedroom window and saw a star which I was unfamiliar with shine a beam of light down at the old house and stable block and then dissipate. At midnight in January 2005 I was driving back from visiting a friend in a nearby village when I took a short cut down Millstone Lane, an old road, and looked left downhill only to see a bright blue glow coming from a hollow in a nearby field which was pretty big , but didnt see anything solid, but the land is fallow and there would be no farm traffic at midnight on a saturday night. It was erie. Whilst in a local pub , called "The Anchor", at Oakerthorpe, I was concentrating on a mirror when a glass bottle picked itself up from a shelf unaided and hovered in the air before falling to the floor unbroken, although I suspect a barmaid may have been involved in that one as I think they are into a bit of cursing and witching. One night coming back from this pub after consuming only a couple of cola's I heard footsteps behind me on our access road to our house which is on the path of a N-S roman road when I turned around there was nobody there yet the footsteps continued past me in the dark. I swear there was nothing there.! My current address, 4 Hollybank Close, Oakerthorpe, Derbyshire DE55 7LP. is built on an east west axis whilst the remains of the pathway of a Roman Road called Rykneld Street runs through next doors house and a path of a former medievel trackway runs through ours. I think we are also on a north south ley-line. With regards to my comments about the police I am in quite a strange position really as I am a civilian support staff member of the local constabulary, Basically im a form of uniformed civil servant. As to the strange incidents with them, In March 2004 I purchased a new car, but soon saw police hanging around it scratching it at work and between 2am and 4am at home, theyve made the paint finish a real mess and ive had threats to me to quit my interest in ufo's and paranormal events, quite serious threats. Which is bizarre. Also ive had incidents were I have been out late at night and followed by traffic division patrol cars for no apparent reason. One incident with the police's new German built helicopter comes to mind: I was out on the porch one night and it came along and shone its searchlight straight at me , then highlighted 2 areas of open land in fields nearby, soon after this event at 5am on a Novembers frosty morning in 2004 I saw a pulsating white halo like light at the edge of the same area pinpointed by the helicopter, the light was pulsating and was on the ground next to a copse. I shone my high power torch at it bit it had no effect, after a while the light faded away. I thought maybe it was badger baiters or "lampers" after rabbits,....but in November at 5am? with a deep frost on the ground? Perhaps I also should mention that I had a long birth and can actually remember being born. I recall being on my side passing down a long "tube" with red and yellow fluid passing by, when I was born I had my eyes open beneath a very thin veil of skin which stretched from my forehead to my nose. My mum has kept the thin veil of skin on backing. Also despite mum having auburn hair and father having dark black curly hair both my sister and myself are dark blonds, at times I have been golden blond, but now its dull. I have not had many events occur recently, although late at night there are odd taps on my window, although I live on the ground floor in a bungalow. I think a lot of the apparitions which occured are "air spirits", although a few nights ago Ias I was drifting off to sleep I heard a high pitched whistle and felt myself moving out of my physical body toward the bedroom window, I also felt and "saw" with my eyes closed a kind of cloud like apparition emerging in the room and it emitted a kind of pulsing, like rapid knocks., although I was not aware I could do it , my eyes turned towards it and I pulsed it back 5 times, but nowhere nearly as forcefully. I have not had any ufo like experiences recently, well, since March 2005. The only way I feel any need to deal with these experiences is by discussion with experienced ufologists and certainly not with any medical practioners of any kind, unless it may involve hypnosis, under my fathers supervision. The events began with more intensity in March 2004 and ended in March 2005. They began the day our collie cross dog went a bit barmy and bit me several times precipitating a reaction in me to throw a boot at it which cracked my bedrooms wooden doors veneer. The dog was okay as the boot missed it. This is unusual in many respects. That night I saw apparitions, air spirits and a chain of events relating to earth spirit manifestations outside my bedroom window and the attempted appearence of various unknown alien like forms in an etherial form within the room. Including a pair of milky white ball eyed forms outside on the path scraping the concrete paving, a green holoistic image similar to a snowman with two black orbits and a horizontal elipse above them, an FT at dawn over the bungalow and some "fairy lights" pulsating in a nearby copse. During a holiday In Tunisia in February this year I saw grey like apparitions trying to materlialise in my hotel room and heard some form clattering across balconies and attempt to enter my locked 2nd floor patio window after dark. I was also able to cause a pictogram to appear on the wall opposite my bed I have suffered police related harrassement at work and cosmetic paintwork damage to my car apparently with knives. The finish is scratched all over. It was new in March 2004. I see a disproportionate number of police vehicles pass our road, and asked a police friend to PNC check some random car numbers, his results caused concern as 15 from around 30 vehicles checked on Chesterfield Road Oakerthorpe were plain hire vehicles leased out to the police! The other 15 were not checked via PNC. Several locals have commented to me on the number cars and intensity of traffic on this road above the norm and the number of casually dressed pairs of men riding round in metallic Vectras and other brand new vehicles using hand held microphones. I had a look-see in a parked Vectra up here and noticed a Motorola microphone handset in the dash cavity. Motorola was the approved home office supplier of police comms equipment until 2003 when it lost out to SEPURA who I understand are a conglomorate. Several letters addressed to me have gone astray and several parcels intended for me appear to have been tampered with. The Police and DVLA seem obssessed with my driving licence and depriving me of it. This is despite a claim free insurance record recently and no convictions relating to driving, also I am conviction free otherwise. I have no criminal record. They have attempted to induce RTA's on local roads by driving on my side of the carriageway and parking JCB's around blind bends when ive been out on my now sold motorcycle. There have been innumerable events where 4WD's have attempted to ram me when coming around blind bends on my side of the road. A Warwickshire Police DC approached me in Ripley Sainsburys and ordered me to "quit the shit with the ufo's" !! and made a number of further violent threats to me about what could be done to me if I didnt comply. Ive been wanting to relay some possible theories about the ET / UFO phenomenon to you for a while, just see what you think about my perceptions of the state of play. I am not your average "ufo buff" if there is such a thing as I am very skeptical about a lot of what I read, although it does leave a substantial rump of genuine mysteries, some of which are obviously beyond current sociatel norms, and some of which are clearly Governement or collaborative venture matters if I may use such an awkward description. Having a background in degree level postgraduate research which focussed upon rail and air transport and information requirements at airports as well as an Army family background I do tend to ask some "hard" basic "first order" questions about the subject and try to steer clear of "popularised" reports such as Roswell and Rendlesham which in my humble opinion have been "done to death" by many others with a discrete agenda. Indeed Ive been able to clear up a case of LITS in the Leeds area which many swore was a landing UFO which I pretty much instantly recognised as being the nav lights on a B737 which I conjectured was a 737 series 300 model probably a BMA or Britiannia flight, which was indeed confirmed to be the case later on. FT's are clearly not conventional aircaraft or lifting bodies and may be transdimensional or a joint collaborative effort in terms of origin. Although they vary substantially in terms of appearance and "type" as well as size, although I did once consider whether they may be a materializable form of the human "ID" or psyche, as may be ET's associated with them. After all, at times we only use about 4% of our mental abilities. Further to my email, I tend to steer away from the "intergalactic traveller" theory about ET's, preferring to concentrate on theories of human brain function and its ability to percieve the ET phenomenon in its own terms which its receptors are able to cognitize. Clearly the idea of ET's travelling several thousand light years in a circular ufo at light speed when the things are mostly small is unsustainable as an argument, although I must admit theres plently of evidence for enormous object capable of such long term undertakings. I may suggest that an examination of our own psyche in terms of our expectations with regards to the phenonmenon may bear forth better explainations although i am not denying that there is a transdimentional element to peoples experiences such as altered perceptions of time etc frequently experienced by ET witnesses. Several of the features of entities I have seen suggest the ability to "appear" during transient moments along with associated acrutriments of the phenomenon. I feel many people with hieghtened psychic abilities may have a limited ability to use their minds to emit signals to cause multidimensional elements of the phenomenon to appear within our 3rd dimension. Think of it in hard "efficiency" terms, an ET with the ability to reform within our atmosphere in a form of "ship" via another transituional dimensional access mode is hardly lightly to "bum it" in a space ship for (say) 10,000 years waiting to get here then set down on earth, pick some lavender then go back via the same route? When there is the possibility of travel within out own time sphere and cause selected individuals to view the experience in terms of their own minds ability to cognitize it. Put simply, I have an uneasy feeling that our past future and our present is constantly manipulated at various etherial and transdimentional levels to reflect the desired balance of required percieved contact in terms of our present day or distant future technology. eg, victorian USA saw many airship sightings, post war Norway witnessed many "rocket" sightings prior to the space age, and with the introduction of crude scifi remakes of greek tragedys and shakesperean plays within the context of intergalactic relations, we witness people "seeing" intergalactic entities, which brings me back to what I said about the human "ID" and its psyche's need to percieve a multidirectional future to give us something to aim for as a race. Although personally i think we are dealing with a portion of the phenomenon which indicates time travel from the extreme distant future by our distant human development genome types ie with the ever increasing divisions in society we are seeing the seperation of various racial groups and the demise of other groups, so what the "ET"'s may be is the end product of human long term development and the seperation of gene types into distinct breeding and alien racial groups with its own pecking order. ie, we started off as one basic or a few basic homonid development groups and may end up as many developments seen by us as alien in nature. ie ETs may be us in the earths far distant future. The only way I can explain what ive just described is in terms of it being an INDESCRETE INTERWOVEN LAPPING TIME TRANSIENT I would be grateful for any further comments you may have, and I would sincerely and respectfully ask that you do not communicate on this matter with my employer. Best regards, John Shelton BA(Hons), MsC;

Date: Thu Jul 14 13:37:27 CEST 2005
Name: Herr. Oddvar Eriksen. (The Fharaos.) at

Subject: Fharaos har v�rt der og forlatt plassen, ses i Aug

Drar tilbake f�rst i August ! Venter st�rre innrykk da ! H�per det er flere og prate med da !

Date: Sun Jul 10 14:06:27 CEST 2005
Name: Herr. Oddvar Eriksen (Fharaos.) at

Subject: Kommer til Hessedalen denne uken. Fharaos !

Kommer Du Erling og R�d, skulle v�rt ok med en prat, skal vi treffes over en kaffe ! Skal ogs� opp p� min plass i Hessedalen !

Date: Wed Jul 6 09:14:06 CEST 2005
Name: Herr. Oddvar Eriksen (Fharaos) at

Subject: Klodens kamp, Steven Spielberg, a big Loser !

Denne skuffet meg virkelig ! Etter og ha kjent Steven Spielberg siden 1993 ble dette en mega tilbakegang i Hans filmer, selv disse menneskelig-lagde roboter var en total skuffelse,disse ble tegnet slutten av det 1800! Men handling og utforming var ogs� en stor skuffelse og det har Han ogs� f�tt greie p�. Dette er menneskelig m�te og se p� Ufologi og Bes�kende fra Verdensrommet ! Denne filmen ble igjen kun en skremsels-propaganda for motsattsen til og forst� problemet uten reelt forhold til den virkelighet Vi st�r overfor vedr�rende fenomenet Humanoid Utvikling og Klodens relasjon til vidre sameksistens med v�re venner fra Rommet, vel er De venner eller er De fiender ? Denne film mistet all relasjon til hva som i virkeligheten foreg�r, desverre ! Den barbarismen som foregikk i denne film ble et stort tilbakeslag for Steven Spielberg og igjen pr�ven til og forst� hva og hvorfor de er her, svevende hele tiden over v�re hoder ?

Date: Sun Jun 26 22:01:08 CEST 2005
Name: Oddvar Eriksen (Fharaos.) at

Subject: bra Andreas, fortsett den store interesse, men USO

Det er bra Andreas, ha den store kicken i dette fenomenet, en dag st�r ogs� Du ovenfor disse nye Verdens velgj�rere og Rengj�rere av V�rt DNA,v�r virkelighet til realismen og Den Kommende tid ! Som "Lost"- "4400" - ogs� de mange andre filmer som snart ruller over lerrettet som " Curced" og ikke sist men minst " Klodens Kamp". Det som vi har som realistisk forhold til USO, alts� der flere b�ter, tankere og Stykkgodsb�ter virkelige store b�ter blir gjennomkj�rt i baug, dette vil si, under stormer, stor sj�, har alts� slike b�ter blitt truffet av et prosjektil p� st�rrelse 3- 4 meter i diameter, disse merkes ikke n�r de gjennomborrer skroget, st�let, det er akkurat som om noen skulle skutt med longrifle gjennom aluminium, men disse bare skyter seg gjennom dobble skrog 2 ganger, og da dette er i front, kan en tenke seg kreftene ! Dette er da v�re Uidentifiserte Sv�mmende Objekter, skummelt da vi bare kan tenke seg kraften, slik at ingen merker noe f�r de kommer til land og ser skaden, og lurer pokker p� hva som har foreg�tt, eller de som forliser. Er det en kaptein Nemo enn� ute p� de 1000 hav ?

Date: Fri Jun 24 12:35:55 CEST 2005
Name: Oddvar Eriksen (Fharaos.) at

Subject: Gutt, f�dt 09.12- 1950. borte 1 time, plutselig

natten til den 10.12-1950. kaldt, plutselig om til regnv�r, ingen turde si noe, men gutten l� foran vinduet p� f�destue, plutselig �pent vindu og guttebarnet l� igjen kald og forfrossen i sin seng, med teppet pent lagt sammen, oppe p� barnet. Ingen viste noe, ingen sa noe, bare ga guttebarnet til moren, som sp�r hvorfor er barnet s� kald," han l� under vinduet" og dette hadde �pnet, seg var svaret ! Rundt 1949-50-51 var det mange som s� sp�kelses --flyene og de tunge dr�nn som de ga fra seg. P� grunn av krigen bare 4 -5 �r f�r ble mange redde, og spurte om krigen var igang igjen . Dette barnet ble i m�te med utenomjordiske siden den gang nesten hvert eneste �r frem til i dag, der han som b�de 2- 3 �ring, ogs� ble det m�te som 6-�ring, 9 �ring og 12 �ring. Frem til idag er det ikke noen som kan dette emne bedre enn han. N� som Han drar p� turer f�lger de med, sp�r Han om noe ut i luften, dukker de opp, som svar som betyr, Ja, dukker de ikke opp er jo svaret nei. Varslingen om DEREs komme varsles i Hans Pyramide.

Date: Fri Jun 24 10:18:14 CEST 2005
Name: ANDREAS.... () at

Subject: UFO????????????

jeg var sammen med rune austad v. da vi s� "ufoen" det var ogs� en voksen som har samme teori!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE UFO�S

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